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Not once did I ever believe that I would return to the city yet something about this just feels so right. Standing at the entrance with Honey and Val at my side, all armed and prepared for anything.

"Mr Fallows wants his blue Honda located so it can later be fueled, driven out and repaired." Val reads from the request list Andrew gave us before we set out.

"Didn't we see something like that near the school one time?" Honey inquires as we begin to walk into the city. Our guns remain tightly grasped in our hands for protection but there is little need for them. The majority of the undead had been killed off by us and Frederick August meaning that there is a very low chance that we'll have to use the firearms.

"Matches the place he last had it." Val agrees and I can't help but smile at them.

Since we're the only young people who made it out of the city, we've offered to aid people in retrieving their old belongings from here. Besides, Val and I both travelled the entire city over and over before meeting Honey and Simon meaning that we know exactly what goes where. We get paid a good sum of money for this yet despite that, Simon has refused to return. He isn't in the correct mental or physical state anyway to be going on missions like these so he waits in his bed in the hospital back at the compound. He waits and when I return, I tell him the stories of what we did in the city.

"Last one to the school has to clean all of the windows in the compound." Honey suddenly exclaims before she begins to race down the street. Val and I glance at one another before smirking and sprinting off after her.

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