Chapter Ten

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I slash my knife along the throat of an undead monster watching in detest as black blood spills and the body falls to the floor. I clamber over the gate to find Simon watching me with a perplexed expression.

Once Val and I returned, we found the school surrounded so I stayed back to defend while they loaded all of our goods within. I never noticed Simon as I fought yet I assume he's been there this entire time judging by his grim expression.

"How did the talk with Honey go?" I ask as I follow him indoors and begin to rip my clothes off, unable to stand the stench of rotting blood any longer. I throw my clothes to Simon who dunks them into a fire heated vat of water and begins to scrub without protest. Usually, I wouldn't dump my chores on others yet Simon once told me that he enjoys doing them because it reminds him of how life was once apon a time.

"Okay." Is all he says.

"Did she explain that she still loves you more then Val?" I ask knowing that nothing can beat the relationship the friends have.

"The opposite actually."


"I can't say anymore. Best friends honour." I stare at him as he smirks before nodding slowly in attempt to understand. While I may have had many friends back in the days of school, I never considered anyone my best friend.


Hours into the night and the figure in the mist won't leave my mind. Every time I close my eyes, I relive the encounter proving that it had to be more then just a simple mind misconception.

"Can't sleep?" Honey hisses, her voice taking me by surprise and making me jump.

"No." I admit and she nods before clambering to her feet and beckoning me out of the room. I follow her as we wander through the halls until we reach a IT classroom. While none of the computers have worked since the power disappeared, every computer remains accounted for.

"Something on your mind?" She asks but I only shrug.

"We're in the apocalypse, what's not on my mind." Is all I say earning myself a short nod.

"Careful, you're starting to sound like Simon." She warns with a small grin that proves her satisfaction in the situation.

"I don't think I'll ever sound like him. Simon is unpredictable and confusing." I state but Honey shakes her head. She slides onto a desks and kicks her legs joyfully as she thinks for a moment before speaking.

"He's pretty simple if you understand the logic behind it." She states. "He's deep and dramatic because of the sudden murder of his dad. He refuses to hold a weapon now because he held one in attempt to murder my dad."

"How do I get him to speak to me?" I ask wishing that I was hearing all of this from Simon instead of Honey. I've noticed that Simon can be quiet and appears to be the sort of person who waits to be told what someone wants to hear before saying what he wants to say.

"He already does Danny. You just have to be patient." Is all she tells me and I exhale in exasperation.

"Fine." I huff.


Both Simon and Val remain at the base today as Honey and I search for resources. While Val is attempting to discover a type of immunity to the virus, Simon is fast asleep and neither Honey or I had the heart to wake him.

Despite Honey and I's conversation being over last night, I still feel agitated from her lack of a decent answer. I'm supposed to be dating Simon (at least I think I am) but how can we truly be together when he's still an unsolverable puzzle to me?

"Stop acting shitty." Honey hisses as she forces open the doors to a restaurant.

"Why won't you tell me everything?" I demand to know as I begin to search the cupboards. Due to a year having past now since the world fell into a pandemonium, all of the food is out of date yet we take what we believe will have remained somewhat edible.

"Because I don't know it all. I can't be dealing with Simon's shit and my own shit." She snaps clearly irritated for some reason.

"What stuff do you have going on?" I decide to ask. Ever since I arrived at the school, I've been so focused on mine and Simon's problems that I haven't really taken the time to truly understand Honey.

"My dad is still out there in this Danny, that's what shit I have going on!" She snaps clearly upset.

"I'm sorry Honey. It must be..."

"Despite what others said, my dad is a great man. He's always protected me and taught me self-defense with and without a gun as soon as I learnt to walk. He'll find us and bring help, I know he will." Honey explains. While parents don't often teach their children the art of killing, Honey's father prepared her perfectly for these troubling times.

"He sounds wonderful." I admit.

"He is." I open my mouth to ask her more about her life when the silhouette of a figure catches my attention in the mirror. Within seconds, the figures running into the distance yet this time I refuse to allow them to just leave. If there are more humans out here, then we need to know.

I chase after them.

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