Chapter Twenty-six

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My fists slam into Fredrik August's body as I attempt to cause him as much pain as he's caused me. He needs to feel the punishment for what he's done. He has to.

Suddenly, an elbow smacks into my jaw and I topple over sideways. Before I know it, the cold point of a gun is resting against my forehead as I lay on the ground. Frederick August's eyes hold a frozen glint to them hinting that he is going to enjoy watching my brains get blown out very much so. I don't care though, I'm past caring. I don't care if he hates me or wants me dead because funny enough, the feeling is mutual. Honestly, I have never known hatred as strong as this and this is going to have to end with one of us dying because I'm not going to be able to survive any longer if he continues to as well. It just won't work.

"You never should have challenged me Danny Hayes." Frederick August growls menacingly. "I don't need you anymore. I have your friends to use as subjects. Killing you won't effect me in the least."

"Pull the trigger then." I snap. Judging from his facial expression he wasn't expecting that as an answer. I stare dead into his cold eyes and repeat myself. "Pull the trigger."

There's an excruciating long pause before the gun clicks and then...


Frederick August falls to the side crying out in pain to reveal Honey standing behind him with her gun pointed. She rolls her eyes at the man whimpering on the floor before shaking her head.

"Rule number one of survival: find inventive places to hide weapons." She states as I scramble to my feet.

Blood seeps from Frederick August's shin as he lays whimpering on the ground. I can't help but feel no remorse for the man. After all, he is humanity at its worst.

"We need to leave." Val states as they help Simon to his feet. I open my mouth to question about Frederick August yet Honey only shakes her head.

"Leave him. Why should we get blood on our hands when he'll most likely die soon anyway. Besides, we can outrun him easily." As much as I hate it, her point is correct so I nod and hurry over to where Simon and Val stand.

"Where are we going to go?" Val asks as I assist in aiding Simon to walk. He glares at me as though hating me for helping him but remains silent since we both know that he'd still be sitting on the ground without either Val or I's help.

"We can start walking and hopefully we'll make it out of this city." Honey states sternly. "There's nothing left for us here so there isn't a chance that we can survive much longer. We can start heading out and maybe we'll find food somewhere."

Despite knowing that she is right, the thought of leaving the city frightens me. There hasn't been any news on what happened to the rest of the world since the virus broken out meaning that I have no clue what to expect. Honey's right though, we can stay here since we'll die soon without the resources we need.

"Let's get moving." Val agrees and with that we all start to leave through the door. I turn once more to find Frederick August still whimpering on the floor as he cradles his injured shin. Despite knowing that I should, I feel no remorse. I feel regret though. Regret that I didn't kill him.

We leave the room and exit the base that I was certain was going to become our grave. Even though the air stinks of rotting flesh and decaying bodies, I take a deep breath in attempt to calm my racing heart.

"We should head north." Simon states drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Why north?" Val questions.

"In apocalypse books the protagonist always heads south. Lets me different and head north." He says with a slight smile and I can't help but smile at him. When Simon isn't being greatly pesimistic he is actually a funny and sweet person. I don't really mind either of his side's though. While dealing with the depressed one may be hard sometimes, I still love him. I'm begining to believe that I always will.

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