Chapter Seven

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Why does every trip we go on result in an undead army coming after us?

I stand with my back pressed against a railing as a swarm of undead grow closer and closer surrounding me, their clawed hands grabbing at me. Desperately wanting to rip my skin. To make me bleed.

I could let them get me and fall victim to their sickness yet I refuse to become one of them and harm Honey and Simon. I glance behind me to find a drop that I'm unsure whether it would kill me or not.

Either way I'll die and right now, I want to die on my own accords.

I jump...



Voices disorient me as a sharp pain floods into my body piercing the peaceful black that consumed me after the jump. I scream from the pain of a hand touching my shoulder and then open my watering eyes.

"Honey's going to find a still working car. We're getting you home." Simon assures me as I gaze into his green eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" I gasp as I attempt to locate the source of pain. Location descovered; my whole body.

"You hit your head after jumping. There isn't too much blood but you seem pretty out of it. Body appears to be bruised but not broken." He explains and I nod slowly, instantly regretting it as a sharp pain stabs through my skull.

"Where are the undead?" I question fearing for Simon and I's safety. He glances around before shrugging.

"Honey took down a load. I don't know about the others. Fucked off or something." He explains as he brushed my dark hair from my forehead. I gaze into his green eyes and a pang of assurance and fear lance through me. I'm assured because I know that no matter what, Simon will protect me with his life yet that also scares me. The thought of something hurting him or killing him causes my stomach to churn and head to spin.

"Are you scared?" I ask him.

"I'm always scared."


Honey's driving is frightening. She and Simon and are only fifteen and I'm sixteen, resulting in none of us being old enough for driving experience.

The world sways along with the car and my head throbs unbearably as I lay sprawlled in the back seats while Honey and Simon remain upfront. My visions darkens around the edges and I instantly know that I'm passing out before the usual light headed sensation takes hold.

"I'm falling..." Is all I'm capable of saying before being consumed by darkness.


After two days of restless bed rest, the world stops tossing me about and Honey gives me the all clear again. Walking hurts yet I travel through the school anyway, looking for someone.

Looking for the person I'm always searching for.

I find Simon in the textiles classroom, sowing a patch over his worn out trouser knee. The patch of fabric is a square of sunshine yellow which contrasts the usual deep blue denim.

"Couldn't you find the right colour?" I ask as I sit on the table and watch as he sows with little effort required. It's clear that he's done his before.

"I never looked. We're in the apocalypse, not a fashion show." He states dryly and I frown at his tense answer.

"What scares you?"

"I thought you would have forgotten."

"I hit my head before you told me that, not after." I remind him and for the first time, he sticks the pin into his knee.

"We're in the apocalypse, what's not to be scared of?"

"Are you scared of me?" I ask and usually the person would deny it instantly yet he doesn't. Simons eyes scan the room searching for anything but me to look at before he lets out a long exhale.

"Is that a bad thing?" He finally asks.

"For me, yes." I expect him to leave or reply with a snappy comment yet he doesn't. He remains silent. "What scares you about me? Is it the way I murder the undead? The way I look, talk or act?"

"No." He admits and I frown. Reading Simon is like attempting to read a closed book. It's easy to read the title and summary yet when it comes to the plot nothing can be inferred. I long to learn more about this sealed off boy yet living in the apocalypse isn't the time to start a romance. Or maybe it is?

"What is it then?" I ask growing impatient. How am I supposed to change without acknowledging the issue to begin with?

"The way you look at me." His voice is quiet like this words are a secret that only we may share.

"How do I look at you?" I ask, my heart begining to race.

"Like I matter." His response catches me completely off guard. His green eyes are dark with shadows and his freckled face is expressionless.

"You do matter." I state causing him to gaze into my eyes. His eyes while dark, now contain a spark of light which I pray represents hope. His eyes are an enticing sea of green lurring me in until my face is inches from his. I lean in to kiss his lips but he turns his head to the side resulting in me kissing his cheek instead. Suddenly, I'm transported back to our first conversation when he informed me that the thought of kissing made him squirm.

Embarrassment and shame crashes into me as I jolt away from him. His face is uneasy and guilt claws at me at the knowledge of me causing him this pain.


"It's fine."

"No, it's not. I'm so sorry, I completely forgot." I explain wishing that he'd understand well enough to trust me again.

"Danny, I'm fine." He assures me yet it's a lie. It's always a lie.

"I will never kiss you again." I confirm in attempt to assure him into his comfort zone yet the plan doesn't work.

"Do you want to kiss someone?" He asks and there's no point lying any longer.

"Yes, but I respect you."

"I can't give you what you want Danny. You belong with someone better."

"You are someone better." I plead wishing that he could see himself as I see him.

"I'm the only other boy left Danny."

"And Honey's the only girl." I remind him and he huff's with annoyance. I understand that this is tricky for him but the procrastination of his negative answer is sending an unbearable ache into my heart and making me feel short of breath. I understand that this isn't the time or situation to fall in love yet is this truly a bad thing? Surely an element of love will boost morale and give us all something to fight for.

"I'll see you later." Is all he says as he stands and hurries to the door.

"Simon wait!"

He doesn't.

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