Chapter Seventeen

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It doesn't take long to track down the man from yesterday.

Part of me believes that he was waiting for me knowing that I would return and I think that part is right. I haven't been able to locate this man for the entirety of the apocalypse and then suddenly he's just here waiting for me.

"What a surprise." He comments but I don't care for his shit any longer.

"What's your name?" I demand unable to hide my temper. He smirks clearly finding it amusing before he begins to laugh again.

"Frederick August." He replies openly as if he believes that I can't do him any harm. Maybe I can't. After all, this man is a mystery to me. "So, have you come to invite me to your darling boyfriends funeral?" His tone pisses me off just as much as his words do but I shove my anger to the pit of my stomach and stare him dead in the eye as if challening the man.

"I'll report on my friends." I state hating the sour tasting words as they leave my mouth. Knowing that I'm betraying everyone burns within me but I know that Simon's death would burn stronger then this pain.

"So, you've finally come to your senses." He laughs again and I'm begining to question his sanity and my own for standing so close to this lunatic.

"Just give me the medicine and I'll see you in a week's time with the information you require." I snap desperately. It was a push forcing Simon to wait another night for pain relief so all I truly want to do is snatch the medication and race it back to him.

"Rude aren't we but a deal is a deal." He states and I resist the urge to smash his face in since I fear that may effect our deal.

Before the apocalypse, I was never a violent person. To me violence was never the correct way to solve any issue so I turned to alternative methods such as talking it through with the opposition or just choosing to ignore them. I always wanted to act calm. A lot of use that did for me now since I'm spending my life stabbing knives into zombie skulls and threatening scientists who want me to betray my friends in exchange for the drugs to save my boyfriend.

What has my perfect life amounted to?


"Where did you get them?" Val questions as I race into where Simon is resting with both Val and Honey on my back asking questions and demanding answers. I know that I can't blame them for their curiosity but it is begining to become annoying.

"The hospital on the other side of the city." I state as I recall the hospital there. I remember when my mum was giving birth to Maggie, and Elizabeth, Bethany and I were all sitting in the waiting room anticipating whether or not we were having a brother or a sister. My parents decided that they wanted it to be a surprise and composed a list of names together.

"And are you sure they're safe?" Honey asks as I kneel besides Simon and shake him gently as he lays still and asleep. Dark bags now sit beneath his eyes and his skin is constantly slick with sweat. Knowing that I hold to cure for him in my hand results in a sense of relief and a sense of nervousness to flood through me.

"Positive." I assure her despite not being one hundred percent certain of myself. Honey seems to catch on and opens her mouth to say so but before she has a chance, Simon weakly opens his eyes and looks at me.

"D... D... Danny..." He gasps with such little volume I barely hear him. His quivering tone breaks my heart yet I plaster on a strong face and offer him a smile so well acted I should win an award for it.

"I have some medicine." I tell him before moving him into a sitting position. He cries out as I move him yet I soldier on knowing that if this works then all of that pain will be over.

Val passes me the glass of water they had previously filled and I pop two large pills from a plastic pot. Simon opens his mouth in understanding and I place the pills on his toung before tilting the glass of water towards his mouth, allowing it to wash the pills down. He coughs and heaves yet thankfully, nothing resurfaces.

"You should begin feeling better soon." I inform him as I gently return him to lying. Instantly, his eyes close and he drifts off of into a deep sleep I pray is dreamless.

"If he dies, I'll kill you." Honey states as she eyes the pot skeptically.

"Fair enough." I reply knowing that if this does kill Simon, I won't be able to live with the guilt of it.

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