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The golden rays of a setting sun glittered through the windows of the hospital hallway and cast the group there in the embraces of a warm, orange glow. Naruto, Kawaki, Shikamaru, and Boruto ambled through the corridor in silence, the only sounds the soft taps and drags of their sandals across the tiled floor. Naruto watched his two battered and bandaged sons from behind. They were exhausted, he knew, but he doubted exhaustion was the source of their current silence. This day seemed endless. Thankfully the medics had given them clearance to leave the hospital—none of their wounds serious enough to garner overnight hospitalization. He knew that Hinata, for one, would be relieved to have the boys back at home where she could watch over them. Not that she didn't trust the Leaf's medical nin to heal them, but Naruto knew she would rather watch over them with her own two eyes. After everything they had all been through, Naruto also felt a hospital environment would likely not help dissolve the heavy emotional atmosphere that dogged them since their return from battle in the wee morning hours.

The two had been quiet, Naruto was told. Barely speaking a word beyond responding to questions asked of them by doctors and nurses. Boruto more so. Naruto could see that now in the way the two hung their heads low as they walked.

Sakura had spent most of the day in surgery with Sasuke, Naruto never leaving his side. He was needed there, knowing his son's injuries weren't life threatening. Meanwhile, Kakashi was still unconscious but recovering—chakra depletion, they said, aside from several broken ribs and some superficial wounds. The Sixth Hokage would make a full recovery after a short stay in the hospital. Naruto was beyond thankful. He had lost one sensei, and he didn't want to lose another.

After hearing of their return, Shikamaru had rushed to the hospital, brining Amado and Sumire with him to assess Kawaki's wounds. Knowing the special makeup of his altered body, Kawaki often couldn't receive traditional medical treatment, or, more accurately, didn't need tradition medical treatment much of the time. Amado had confirmed that Kawaki's body was already healing itself, albeit slowly. He had sustained a number of broken bones and contusions, but his punctured arm was by far the worst injury. Still, Amado assured that Kawaki's body would be completely healed in two or three days thanks to his accelerated healing rate. Sumire administered some pain medication and bandaged the wounds along his arm. Shikamaru later had Amado escorted back to his holdings by his ANBU escort.

Boruto, however, was treated in private. His only attendants were a select group of medics directly under Sakura's supervision and who were sworn to upmost secrecy. Naruto observed the back of Boruto's head as he walked, gauze wrapped around his head where it held the bandage in place over his eye. The golden hair that so closely resembled his own swayed as he moved, and Naruto resisted the urge to reach out and place his hand atop the soft locks.

When he was their age, Naruto had experienced his own losses time and time again. There was time for comfort, but right now he knew the boys likely needed their own time to process the events that passed. Emotions were high, and anything he said right now would likely fall on deaf ears. He knew what it felt like to drag oneself through a seemingly endless mire of guilt and despair, but he would have to talk to them when they were more receptive.

And so, he lowered his hand back to his side and clenched his fist.

Shikamaru turned, then, and spoke to Naruto.

"Naruto, I know it might seem rushed, but we will need to convene with the Five Kage to fill them in on what has transpired," he said.

Naruto lifted his face to look at his advisor. His voice was tired and soft as he responded. "Yeah," he said, "we will,"—he looked at his sons, and Shikamaru's gaze followed— "but for tonight, we should rest." He gave Shikamaru a pointed look, and he knew his advisor would understand his meaning. The boys needed to decompress, and Naruto had to stay by their side. That was no longer an option at this point. Not just shadow clones. Not just Sensory Unit shinobi. Not after last night. Not after knowing the boys could suppress their chakra.

FracturedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora