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In the center of Naruto's office, Hinata stood unmoving facing the open door. In her hand, she still clutched a soggy tissue from earlier. Her eyes hadn't left the open door since Naruto walked out. She should be accustomed to this by now, she thought, but every time Naruto ran off after another dangerous enemy, she couldn't help but fear the worst.

Even more so, Boruto and Kawaki were already out beyond the protection of the village...

Her lips pressed together as she felt her eyes sting. In the hallway, the soft pad of footsteps approached the office. A small violet head of hair poked past the doorframe. Squinting at the bright light of the office, Himawari rubbed her eyes as she looked into the room.

"Mama?" she questioned, voice thick with sleep. She took a few steps into the room.

Finally realizing she was still holding a tissue, Hinata placed it into a nearby garbage bin and went to her young daughter.

"You couldn't sleep, Hima?" Hinata asked gently. She soothed the top of her daughter's hair before pulling her onto the couch with her. It wasn't like Himawari to wake up during her sleep. For as much grief as Himawari and Boruto gave Naruto for being a heavy sleeper, Himawari usually slumbered without waking through night. Getting her up in the morning was even more difficult. Tenderly, Hinata pulled her daughter's head into her lap, and she stroked Himawari's hair.

The young girl yawned and spoke blearily. "There was a bunch of noise" she said, curling her knees up to her chest. "I thought I heard Papa and Uncle Shikamaru."

Hinata hummed, continuing her motions. She waited a few moments before saying, "Yes, Papa had to go take care of some very important business." Such news was not unusual to Himawari. In fact, Himawari often understood more readily than Boruto that her father was frequently engaged in important or dangerous village matters. Or, at least, Himawari hid that fact that it bothered her better than Boruto.

Himawari just hummed, acknowledging.

"But don't you worry, ok?" Hinata lulled. "Papa is very strong. He'll be back in no time."

Deciding it was best to omit Boruto and Kawaki's involvement for now, Hinata let the matter rest. She knew how deeply her daughter cared about her brothers, and having Himawari unnecessarily anxious or upset didn't aid their current situation. She waited patiently as Himawari slipped once again into a deep sleep, a bit of drool leaking onto Hinata's lap. Hinata smiled softly at her daughter's slackened face. She was so much like Naruto. Hinata felt her heart warm at the thought.

Waiting a few more minutes, Hinata decided Himawari was fast enough asleep, and she gently cradled Himawari, moving her into a position to carry her back to her room.

She placed her daughter's small, warm body back into the bed and pulled the covers close under her chin. Laying down beside the small girl, Hinata faced the window as she embraced Himawari's head in her arm. She would stay here with her tonight, she decided. With one final glance at the waning moon outside the window, Hinata sent out a silent prayer to Neji that he might watch over them and bring her children and husband home safely to them.


Bathed in dappled silver light, two figures stood opposite one another in the treetops far outside of Konoha.

"Well, what do you want?" Kawaki asked of Code. Kawaki swallowed. He was putting on a brave face, he knew. Even so, this was the most confident he had ever felt facing Code, if he was being honest with himself. With the knowledge that this was all for Konoha, Lord Seventh, and Boruto's sakes, he felt more certain than ever that this was the right decision. From a young age, Kawaki had grown up alongside Code in that abysmal hole of a hideout Kara had called 'Headquarters,' but although Kawaki had grown up alongside the man in front of him, the two were far from anything Kawaki would ever consider family. No, this man was not a brother to him. Not even a friend.

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