27 - Hell of a Fight

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You expect Lexi to be asleep when you arrive at the hotel room; after all, it's 2 in the morning.

Instead, you enter the room and find her sitting up in bed. She lets out a sigh of relief when she sees you, and it seems like she's been holding her breath for awhile.

"Are you okay?" you ask, kicking off your shoes. What? Real ones don't tie their shoelaces more than once.

"Are you?" she replies with a surprising amount of cockiness.

"Not really," you admit. "I kinda got fired tonight."

"What do you mean 'kinda'?" Her confusion is a little amusing, considering that you know that she knows. Maybe she doesn't want to admit it to herself, either.

"Well, I have the match at Extreme Rules, and after that I don't have a match."

"Oh. Y/N, I'm so sorry-"

"Don't be. I've known it was coming for awhile now," you say as a grin starts to form across your face. "Besides, it's their loss, not mine. Can you imagine how bad they're gonna tank now that I'm leaving?"

"It's likely going to be like it was when they fired Windham."

"Exactly, but the difference is that, after my non-compete clause has expired... I'm going straight to AEW."

After that, the two of you basically just go to bed. After a conversation like that, there isn't much more to be said.


It's Sunday now, and your match is coming up. Your last match in the WWE... how wild is that? To think that, despite everything you had to do to get here, you still lost?

You're already in your ring gear, just sitting in the locker room while the match before yours goes down. You don't even remember who's competing in that one, and to be honest you don't care. Neither of them securing a win affects you. You don't need either of them to lose to progress your storyline.

Finally, Joe comes in and offers you a hand. You take it and stand, though you're not completely ready for what waits for you out there.

"Ready?" he asks, and you halfheartedly nod. The two of you make your way through the hallway and into the gorilla, where Paul and and the others are waiting.

"This is it," you say to Paul in a joking manner. "The final battle between Y/RN and Triple H."

"It doesn't feel like the right end for us, does it?" he asks you, and you shake your head. You and him have had several battles throughout your time with the company, and when it's been important you've won. Many members of the WWE Universe believe that this time will be no different, that you'll come out on top and continue to team with Joe and dominate.

That couldn't be further from reality.

Paul's music hits first, so he and the rest of the Authority go out first. The crowd boos so loud and with so much passion that you feel like you can hear each individual person.

Next up is you and Joe, and they cheer for you at the same volume they voiced their dislike for the other guys. Very complicated wording just because I don't know how to spell the past-tense of 'boo', and to be honest I'm way too lazy to Google it.

Anyway, you make your way down the ramp, reminding Joe to keep an eye on the Authority dogs. If they get off their leash, it might be game over for you.

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