21 - A Surprising New Angle

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You wake up and remember last night, how Nick Khan switched the script on you. It sucks, but it's time to move forward. Specifically forward in the direction of food; you haven't eaten anything since yesterday's lunch.

Lexi wakes up while you're getting dressed, and slowly she too begins to recall last night. By the look on her face, you already know what she wants to talk about.

"Good morning, Lexi," you comment, noticing that she is indeed awake. She smiles and says it back as she rolls out of bed.

"Still mad about last night?" she asks quietly as she gets dressed. I think about it for a moment.

"I'm just annoyed, I guess," you reply. "Losing to Joe doesn't bother me as much as not being told until after he was going for the pin."

"I know how you feel. They've done it to me a couple times."

"Like, it's just disrespectful. I understand that plans change, but have the decency to tell me when it concerns me."

"The chances are good that you could get a rematch, at least."

"I don't know if I even want to try again. Maybe they'll give me something else..." you say, going off into the bathroom. You're still thinking about being at the top of Nick Khan's hit list. Did he change the match so he can fire you?

Neither you nor Lexi have much to say through breakfast. She can tell you're upset about something, but she doesn't know what it is and doesn't want to ask.

Surprisingly, as you're on your way to throw away your breakfast garbage, Brock comes up to you and asks to speak with you. Where the fuck was he hiding?

"Yeah man, what's up?" you ask curiously. What does Vince's favorite want with you?

"I just wanted to talk about last night. I had no idea they were going to do that to you," he replies in a defensive way.

"Me neither, but hey at least you'll get another title now."

"That's the whole point: I specifically asked them NOT to do that. I wanted to go on a vacation."

"So Vince doesn't even listen to you? Wow, Khan's really got him under a tight leash." It actually comes as a shock that WWE would spit in the face of one of their most valuable assets. Then again, not really.

"And I assume you've heard about his list?"

Lexi, who just noticed you two talk, walked up and asked, "What list?"

"Oh shit, you haven't told her yet? I'ma just let you handle this one, Y/N," Brock says as he begins to back away. Fuckin' coward.

"So allegedly Nick Khan's got a list of people he wants to release, and I guess I'm #1 on that list," you explain, and Lexi nods attentively. You tried to put extra emphasis on the whole "allegedly" part, but you don't figure Lexi bought it.

"What are we going to do about it?" she asked. You're glad she said you'll be doing it together. So much of this journey since losing Amanda has been lonely, so for someone to finally have your back is nice. Too bad it's all in vain.

"I'm guessing I've got one more rivalry before he decides whether or not to release me, so I'll give it my all and hope he changes his mind."

"As if you haven't already?"

"Fair point, so I'm just gonna have to dig a little deeper."


You burst through the curtain into the arena, where none other than Roman Reigns is delivering a promo. He and Paul Heyman look to you with amusement.

"What the hell are you doing here, Y/RN? You lost, remember?" Paul asks his question mockingly, reminding you of the night before.

"I'm not out her for a rematch," you begin, stepping in the ring with the two of them. Paul backs up a little bit, but Roman holds his ground. "I have something to say to Roman."

Paul begins to speak again, but Roman motions for him to be quiet and hand over the microphone. He says, "What do you want?"

"I'm gonna be honest and say you're the toughest opponent I've ever faced, and judging by last night I don't think I'd be wrong to say I was tough for you to beat," you say, looking him right in the eye. He still holds his ground, but something about his attitude shifted from aggressive to curious.

"Yeah, you were a pretty tough opponent. Why does this matter?"

"We're two of the toughest guys on this roster, and last night we proved ourselves as equals. So after losing last night, I thought about it... why are we even fighting in the first place? Why don't we team up?"

The crowd seems stunned at this point, and even Roman himself is a little mystified. You, who was so hell-bent on beating him, are now asking him to team up? That's insane!

Paul, who's gotten another microphone at this point, says what everyone is thinking, "Why would Roman Reigns ever team up with the likes of you???"

"Think about it Roman," you say, "We'd be unstoppable."

With that, you retreat back up the stage, and into the back. One things for certain: Y/RN definitely has the gears turning in Roman's head.

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