22 - You and I, I and You

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Later that night, Roman is out supporting the Usos in a tag team title match against the Street Profits. Yet, despite the collective efforts of the Bloodline, the Profits still manage to walk away with the titles.

Roman, being the leader that he is, gets into the ring with his cousins to make sure they're alright. Their reaction to this is... well, not great.

They all begin to argue, and Jimmy Uso can be heard claiming that Roman has "never done shit for us".

Then the Usos gang up on him. He fights them off well, but the numbers advantage is coming from two dudes who have always had his number.

Suddenly, the crowd erupts as you burst onto the scene and flatten both of the brothers. Then it's just you and Roman, who is struggling to get back to his feet. You offer out your hand to him, and he hesitates.

Finally, he just says 'fuck it' and takes your hand. You grin and help your new ally and potential friend to the back.

It's going to be important an important thing for him to stick near people he can trust, and right now that happens to be you. Knowing the Usos, this isn't over by a long shot.


In the back, Colby and Becky are standing around talking to Lexi and Pam, who seems to be sticking around for now. On another note about them, though, Colby can now walk again without crutches. The brace is pretty restrictive, but he gets around just fine.

They notice you and Joe within a a few seconds and usher you over, and you chuckle. Such a warm welcome back!

"Good shit out there guys, you really sold it," Colby says, patting you on the shoulder. Joe then engages in a conversation with him, and the two kind of wander off. They left so quickly that you didn't even catch what they're talking about.

"Hey Y/N," Pam says, and by the tone of her voice you already know what's coming next. Hell, you didn't even need to hear her speak to know what was coming next.

"You want to talk about last night, don't you?" you ask, though it's not really a question. She nods and neither of the other two girls object, so you continue on, "My match got switched at the very last second, which sucks, but there's also something else. Rumor has it that there's another round of releases coming, and apparently Nick Khan has placed me at the top of thT list."

"Oh," is all that Pam has to say about that. Her expression is deeply troubled, and rightly so; after their releases so far, there's no doubt in your mind that WWE would pull the plug on you.

"Hey, there's still a little bit of hope. The McMahons like me, and they hold majority of the power."

Becky and Lexi have remained silent throughout this conversation this far, but Becky decides to join in, "Ya, this new angle ought to show 'im that Y/N's wort' ev'ry penny, right Lex?"

Based on the amount of her accent flowing through her voice there, you can tell that she doesn't believe a word of what she just said. Harsh, Rebecca.

Lexi picks it up nicely, though, "Yeah, if anyone can pull it off, it's this idiot."

That seems to ease Pam quite a bit, and she goes off with Becky to get some food. That leaves you all alone with you girlfriend. Ewwww, you're alone with a girl!

"I don't think we'll be seeing any of them soon," Lexi giggles. The two of you begin to make your way out to the parking lot. The way she leans into you is quite nice.

"Do you really think I can pull it off this time?" you ask, thinking back to a little bit ago. Lexi sounded confident then, but she's a much better actress than Becky. She might have simply been saying it for Pam's sake.

"You've been lucky so far. Maybe your luck will hold out this time?"

"God, I fucking hope so," you sigh, popping the trunk of your car. You dump your bags into the trunk, and as you're closing it you hear a voice from behind you.

"So, here we are," says Thea, and Lexi elects to hop into the car. You lean against the side of the car and Thea does the same, smoking a cigarette. She offers you a puff, but you decline.

"You don't seem like the type who smokes," is all you really have to say to her. The title match really screwed her over, didn't it? She'd spent a few months working on that whole story. she was able to plug me in as her "lover", but now that I was no longer a good fit, the Creative Team decided that it would no longer be happening.

"I'm not... at least, not until I found out I was on Khan's list again."

"He wants to cut you again?"

"Yup, and this time I might not wrestle anymore. Who wants a talent that got fired twice? I was an idiot, thinking that things would work out the second time around."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Thea." There isn't much more to say about it, really. Her situation is best described as quite unfortunate.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you're so calm about about the whole thing," she says very casually, "I know you're lucky, but can you save both yourself and Lexi?"

"Wait, what?!"

"Oh, you didn't know? Lexi's on the list too."

"Damn, thanks for letting me know."

"Does it even matter? None of us are safe; WWE is going into the hole and the McMahons can't stop it." With that, Thea makes her exit. What a fucking depressing way to end the night, eh?

You get into the car with Lexi, who looks at you with concern. You ask, "I take it you were eavesdropping?"

"Am I really on the list?"

"I don't know, baby," you reply honestly, letting your shoulders sink in defeat. Things are really looking down right now, and if something doesn't change then they'll probably get worse.

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