19 - Calm Before the Storm

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So while the internet is picking through the interview trying to decipher every little thing you said yesterday, you're hanging out with Lexi, Becky, and Colby drinking beers. Well, you and Becky are drinking.

"Can't believe yer silly ass is gonna be Universal Champ in a week," Becky thinks aloud, slugging your arm playfully. You chuckle in reply, tapping your beer bottle to hers.

"If anyone's earned it, it's me," Colby adds jokingly, turning it around in the last second. Becky slugs him now, and he plays the victim. Once everything is settled down again he continues, "Seriously though man, for all the shit you've had to endure to get here? It's overdue."

"I don't think so," you reply.

"What do you mean?"

"I think things happened to get to this moment, not because of chance. Like, this wasn't something that was going to happen for me until I was ready. What better a time than now?"

"I'll drink to that," she replies, raising her beer. You take another drink as well, just feeling good. It's moments like these you wish will never end. Just sitting around, Lexi cuddled up against you, and beers with the homies.

Becky and Colby both go into the kitchen to make some lunch for everyone, so you remain there with Lexi.

"This is nice, isn't it?" she asks softly. You nod, wrapping an arm around her. "I love you."

"Love you too, Lexi."

"I MADE SANDWICHES, BITCHES," Colby declares as he reenters the room. Becky follows him, holding said sandwiches.

She hands you a little stack for you and Lexi to share, then sits down with hers and Colby's.

"So I saw that interview from yesterday," Colby says, chuckling a little. "Seems like you weren't having any of her shit."

"I figured she was going to make the whole thing about my ex," I laugh in reply, remembering how I was during the interview yesterday.

"Thought ye were gonna slap her," Becky adds nonchalantly, but it almost bothers you. You really hope it didn't seem like you were going to hit her.

On that happy note, everyone dives into their sandwiches. Despite being made by Colby, they don't suck.

You guys hang out for another hour or so before you and Lexi decide it's time to head out. Only thing is, you don't know where to really go from here. Do you head home, or go somewhere else?

In the car you ask Lexi, "What should we do now?"

"Well, what do you want to do?" she replies, buckling up and looking through her phone. It seems like she already knows what you're going to say.

"I mean, sex would be nice but we should do something else first."

"Ah, but the sex is so good," Lexi says, biting her lip to look sexy. It works, because daaaamn...

"Let's go into town, eh?"

"Sounds good, baby." The wink she adds in after she says it leads you to believe you're in for a happy ending.

The drive into town doesn't take very long, and soon you and Lexi are walking down the sidewalk gazing into shops nothing seems particularly interesting to you, but Lexi is having the time of her life.

She leads you into a clothing store so she can look at a hoodie she saw. It's a light blue jacket, similar to one she already has, but you elect to not point that out.

In total you spend about 30 minutes in the clothing store. It'll forever be a mystery as to how Lexi is able to kill that much time so easily.

"Hey, who's the most famous musician that you possibly think would do a song for me?" you ask as the two of you continue along the sidewalk. Lexi ponders the question for a moment.

"Probably Snoop Dogg. He'll do anything at this point."

"Fair point, but what about a Snoop Dogg verse, a Dwayne Johnson verse, and a Tech N9ne hook?"

"Dude, if you want Face Off 2 then just say so," she laughs, and you laugh as well. Like, homegirl's got a point.

The afternoon turns to evening, and it's when you've run out of room to carry Lexi's stuff that she decides it's time to head back. She bought a bunch of clothes and some collectibles, but you only bought one thing (technically two): a couple of Pokemon booster boxes. You wouldn't even call yourself a big collector or anything, but they just sounded fun so here we are.

Back at the hotel room, you crack open the first box while Lexi tries on her new clothes. 36 packs of this older set called Evolutions. Maybe that's why each one cost 750 USD?

The first few packs (and outfits) are kind of trash. The only card you get that you remember was a Mewtwo, whatever that meant. Still, it looks cool so it's probably good.

Yet, as you get into the thick of it, both start to get better. You're getting good cards left and right, and Lexi's trying on a bikini. Damn, that's a good bikini. You find a Mew, which you also recognize. Back in the day you had one of the Ancient Mew cards, but you can't remember what happened to it. Maybe it got sold along with the rest of your old cards?

Finally, you get the only card you were hoping to see: the holo Charizard from the original set. You're pretty hyped about it, but your attention shifts when you look up. Lexi is checking herself out in the mirror in a set of pink lingerie. God, it looks incredible on her.

You set the cards and remaining packs aside and get up, making your way over to Lexi in a hypnotized fashion. She sees you in the mirror but doesn't do anything to stop your advance.

Finally, you get right behind her and wrap your arms around her. She gazes into your eyes through the mirror.

"Didn't Becky and Colby want us back at their house tonight?" she asks quietly as you kiss her neck.

"I guess we're not gonna make it," you reply with the cheekiest of grins.

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