1 - No Time for Introductions!

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The night is pleasant, as are most with your girlfriend, Amanda. For three years you've stood side by side with the famous Mandy Rose as her loving boyfriend/co-worker, but tonight that will surely change.

The box sits heavy in your pocket. Is it really time to ask? To drop to one knee and tell her that you want nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with her?

You turn to face Amanda. The fact that she's as beautiful as ever, if not more, leaves you without words to say. Any verbal expression can't possibly sum up how she is your sun, the center of your universe. Cheesy, I know, but entirely factual.

You begin to speak, but so does she. After a minute or so of awkward arguing, it's decided Amanda's up first. Your hand hovers near your pocket where that beautiful ring is waiting. It's been designed by you, specifically for her. Thousands of dollars for the most elegant ring imaginable. All she has to do is say yes when you ask.

"I want to make a confession," says Amanda, wringing her hands nervously. Your guts begin to churn; what's going on?

"What is it, baby?" you ask worriedly. Something tells you that this isn't a run-of-the-mill kind of thing. This is either really good or REALLY bad.

"I... I've been seeing someone else," she whispers, turning away from you. The hand that was so prepared to grab that ring falls limply to your side. What kind of sick joke is this?!

"Amanda? Mandy, tell me you're just joking," you plead, hoping that you're an idiot falling for a prank. It can't fall apart like this, it just can't.

Maybe she's hidden a camera somewhere, and after she turns it off she'll jump into your arms and kiss you. Everything will be alright!

Yet, it's not. Amanda won't turn to face you. The gravity of it all doesn't even hit. You lean back into the couch and watch as she gets up and gathers he things from around your house.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," she says coldly before slamming the door behind her. She left you with nothing... not even a kiss goodbye.


A week has passed since Mandy walked out. You won't answer your phone or respond to texts. Truth be told, the isolation is comforting. Instead of someone trying to make you feel better, you've thought through it yourself. She cut you deep, but not deep enough. Time will heal what is broken.

But the wound hasn't healed yet, and you've depleted your supply of alcohol. Going to the liquor store to buy more doesn't sound very fun, so to the bar you'll go. No one will mess with a moody asshole at the end of the counter, anyways.

You're only three shots in when someone ruins it. Typical. Out of the corner of your eye you see the outline of someone sitting down, but you put your hood up and act like they aren't there.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" asks a familiar voice. You turn your head slightly and hold back a groan. It's one of your coworkers, the last people you want to see. Amanda has probably already twisted the story around so that you're the bad guy, but you wouldn't know. You haven't touched your phone or watched the news since she left.

"Leave me alone, Kaufman," you grumbled, downing your fourth shot of vodka. Of course it has to be Alexa Bliss that shows up in the same dive bar as you. "How did you find me, anyways?"

"I was scouting out bars across town to see where some friends and I could go without being recognized. Seems like you had the same idea?"

"Nah, I just like this one. Bartender's an old friend, so he hooks me up from time to time."

"I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to be recognized, though. I'm surprised you'd even show your face in public after what you did," she says, ordering a drink for herself. You tell James (the bartender) to put her on your tab. This is something you need to hear.

"What did I do?" you ask curiously as James returns with your drinks.

"You abused Amanda and kicked her out when after she caught you cheating, right?"

"No. Is that what she said?"

"Yup, and it's all over the news... is that not what happened?"

"Not even close," you laugh, nearly spilling your now sixth shot, "She told me she was seeing someone else, then left. That's it."

"Sounds about right. Never liked her, anyways," she says, wrinkling her nose at the thought of your ex.

For the first time in a week, you pull out your phone and look at it. Several texts and missed calls from Amanda, which isn't surprising. It looks like she tried to apologize and make you take her back, but when it didn't work she set out to destroy you. As of now, it seems to be working... there's a missed call from your Stephanie McMahon.

"Hey, if she's bullshitting, you need to speak up," says Alexis, but you're hardly listening anymore. Your ex has ruined your reputation, and for what? Not wanting to get back together with a cheating slut not even a week after the break up? Get the fuck out of here.

"I probably won't. Who would believe me at this point?"

"Your friends and I would!" Alexis pleaded, trying to reason with you, "Besides, the world is dying to hear your end of it."

"Then they're just gonna have to keep dying. I'm not saying shit to the media," you finally decide. Defending yourself to the media is only going to make Amanda try harder, and she might bring others into it. The last thing you want is for your friends to get hurt because of some pissing match between you and that whore.

"If you say so... anyways, Pamela asked me to ask you if it's okay to shoot you a text later. See you, Y/N," Alexis says, squeezing your arm reassuringly before getting up to leave. You watch the petite blonde walk out the door and nearly smile. Not everyone is out to get you, apparently.

Bayley wants to talk to you, though? How interesting that Pam would use Alexis to ask you if she could text you, but then again it doesn't sound unrealistic. She's weird like that. You decide to send the first text:

You: hey Pam. Heard you wanted to talk?

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