24 - Fuckin' Hammered

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You and Roman have a match tonight against the Usos. You both come out of the curtain to his old music, which is definitely a change of pace. The fans are probably beginning to wonder if they're going to see a new version of Roman Reigns emerge... or maybe even an old one resurface.

At the bottom of the ramp you give him a fist bump reminiscent of the Shield, then you both enter the ring and wait for your opponents. However, a few seconds after their music hits, they still haven't come out.

Then it hits you: ambush! You turn around and get hit with a chair, causing you to fall over. The same happens to Roman, and soon the two of you are overwhelmed. Though it's hard to see during the barrage, you feel like there's more than two people attacking you. How could that be?

After the assault is finished, you drag yourself into the corner and sit up against the bottom turnbuckle, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. What you see is shocking: The Usos are standing in the ring, shaking hands with Triple H and the other authority dogs, Samoa Joe and Sami Zayn.

You never stood a chance. Everything in your body hurts, and to be honest you want to leave, but you stand back up to confront the attackers. They look a little surprised that you're able to, but they become angry when the WWE Universe starts chanting your name.

Sami comes up to beat you down again, but a headbutt shuts him down. He falls like a rock and clutches his face, but you ignore the blood now trickling out of yours. Joe tries next, but a barrage of fast, hard strikes shuts him down just as quickly. The Usos both charge forward as well and are shut down in a matter of moments. You're left all alone in the ring with Triple H, and he's got a microphone.

"You've got some balls kid, I'll give you that," he says as he paces the ring. "I don't know very many men that could stand up and fight after the beating you just took. So are you brave, or are you just stupid?"

At this point, you've got your own microphone. You say, "How about you and I go one-on-one and you find out? Does next week work for you?"

"Nice try, but you don't get to demand a match with guys like me. I'm out of your league."

"Sounds like you're scared." That strikes a nerve with him, and he paces a little faster while he thinks.

"Oh, I'm scared? How's this for scared? Next week, you're going to be by yourself in a handicap match against all four guys who were just in the ring... and this time you won't have the benefit of the doubt."

You glare at him for a second, but ultimately grab Roman and leave. You're not sure if you can survive another attack from the five of them, especially without Roman's help. It's a tactical retreat.


After a nice, hot shower, you throw some casual clothes on and go to find Alexa. You've got one thing in particular you'd like to do tonight, and with what's been going on recently you think she might like to join you.

You find her in the entrance to the parking lot. She's on the phone with someone; you wonder who's on the other end. Lexi notices you coming and wraps up her phone call.

"Renee says hi," she giggles, greeting you with a kiss on the cheek. You kiss her as well, but on the lips.

"Is she trying to convince us to leave, too?" I ask as we made our way into the parking lot. Lexi nods, and neither of you say anything more about it. Renee and Jon are cool, but they're not exactly helping you with your job with WWE. If you get caught talking to them about joining AEW, you're fucked. "Anything you wanna do tonight, Lexi?"

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