18 - A Bad Interview

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"So for the record, it's cool if I do the thing with Thea?"

"Yeah, sure," Lexi replies lightly before turning to her side and getting on her phone. Suddenly she breaks out laughing. She shows you her phone and you watch a short video of Rami sitting in a movie theater with an entire pot of chili.

As to how he got a fucking pot of chili into a movie theater will forever be a mystery, but he probably bribed someone. You're half determined to go back to NXT and try to break the record again.

Eventually you get out of bed and go a out your business, gathering clothes and such that were discarded during your romp with Lexi.

You're still kind of in shock about the whole thing. You expected your first time with her to be super romantic, like passionate love making after a bottle of wine, but clearly she had other ideas. It's becoming increasingly clear just how long she's wanted it for.

But either way, it happened and it was wonderful.

Today you have to go to a studio to do an interview for Fox News. They were pretty vague on the phone concerning what the interview is going to be about, but you can probably guess; it's either gonna be your feud with Joe or it's gonna be a ploy to get the whole story on your breakup.

Yeah, the internet still isn't over it yet. Amanda has even taken down her tweets and such as a peace treaty and refuses to address it, so of course the "woke side" of twitter is claiming you're threatening her.

Please, as if you could even get close to her anymore! She's shooting two different movies right now; she's likely got hardly any free time.

So with all that in mind, you put your shoes on and say goodbye to Lexi before walking out the door.


You sit down in a chair across from the interviewer, whose name you've already forgotten. She's another blondie with blue eyes though, so her name's probably Cindy or something.

"So first of all, thanks for agreeing to do this interview (Y/N)!" she says with a classic camera smile. You give one as well, trying to be professional.

"Well you know me, I love to run my mouth whenever someone gives me the chance," you reply, adding a wink for the effect.

"It sure seems like you've got a lot to talk about sir, because you've had a crazy past couple of months."

"Yeah, first the injury and then to come back and already be fighting Roman Reigns?"

"And quite the task that is! What are your thoughts about going up against someone like him?"

"I've faced him once before, back when he was still the 'big dog' and I was still a newbie. We're two different people now though, and I can't wait to beat him."

"You seem pretty confident that you're going to win?"

"I am, as a matter of fact. I know he's going to do everything in his power to beat me, and I'm going to do the same, so it's really a matter of who has more tricks up their sleeves."

"Well let's hope you've got the bigger sleeves, am I right?" her professional giggle forces you to also chuckle a little, but in reality you find it slightly annoying.

"Yessir." At this point you're just waiting for her to mention Amanda. She can't talk about Joe forever.

"Championship matches aren't the only thing going on with you though, Twitter has been blowing up about a selfie with you and Alexa Bliss..."

You laugh, "Man, it's just now getting out? We got together like right after she got hurt."

You don't really know how Lexi will feel about you saying this stuff, but just to be sure, you won't say anything too personal.

"Really?" she replies, very interested. Maybe she really isn't going to bring this back to Amanda.

"Yeah. The two of us were just hanging out eating lunch and we were like, 'hey we should go out'. You know, something like that."

"So does that mean you and Amanda are officially done?" Ah, there it is. You almost thought you'd slip by it, but she couldn't help herself.

"As a matter of fact, it does," you say calmly, pretending to think hard about your answer. "The most I can say about that whole situation is that I wish Amanda the best in her future endeavors."

"Can you elaborate on that a little more?" she asks, and you just about get up and leave, but you don't. She wants you to react, so you're not going to.

"Well, thanks for letting me come in for the interview, but I have to get going. And as for you, Roman," you say, staring directly into the camera, "Good luck. I think you're going to need it."

And you walk off after a quick thank you once the camera is gone. Being the kind of guy that you are (and used to be) a bad interview is always going to happen every once in a while. That one was something else, though. It pissed you off more than almost anything ever has.

Still, you got to officially go public with Lexi, and that makes you somewhat happy. Not to mention your upcoming title match, which you're scheduled to win. Ending the run of the longest reigning Universal Champion in WWE history sounds pretty fun.

All you need to do is survive eight more days.

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