23 - An Unexpected Visit

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You're floating around carefree in the hotel pool when Lexi finally walks in. She's wearing a new bikini today, and damn does it look good on her.

"You could've saved that one for the camera, you look gorgeous," you say with a wink. Lexi blushes a little at the compliment and relaxes on one of the pool chairs.

"So what should we do today?" she asks. You think about it for a moment, but draw a blank in the end. You simply shrug and continue floating.

"I have an idea," says a familiar voice from behind you. You paddle your feet until you're fully turned around, and standing there is none other than Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley) in his swim trunks. "You two should quit your jobs."

"Interesting take. It's nice to see you, Jon," you laugh, and he slides into the pool. "What brings you around here?"

"Simply put, my boss really likes both of you, and now that the rumor has it that you're about to be cut? He sent me to come persuade you to find a new job."

"But I like WWE." Jon laughs a little, then tips your floatie over. Isn't that a fuckin' party foul?

"Well, enough important people in WWE don't like you. Bruce Prichard and Nick Khan both hate you. Even if you survive this round of releases, you'll never make it through your whole contract."

"So I should come work for AEW?"

"That's what I came to pitch, because I'd love a chance to fight you in a death match. The point is, the WWE well has run dry. Go find another place to wrestle, or it will come back to bite you."

"Alright, I'll think about it," you finally say, and Jon smiles.

"Good, because otherwise I'm sending Matt Hardy after you." With that, Jon gets out of the pool, grabs a towel, and makes his way out of the room. As soon as he's gone, Lexi turns to you with a 'what the fuck?' look on her face.

You just shrug and get back on your floatie, not having a care in the world. Lexi seems to want to talk about what Jon just said though, and that doesn't sound like a happy happy fun time to you.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" she asks in a defeated tone, like that's the last thing she wants.

"He's got a point, Lexi. WWE has made it clear that I'm on my last breath. If it's not now, then it'll be soon," you reply, getting off your floatie and going over to her. "Remember, you're also on the chopping block."

"Yeah, but-"

"You know as well as I do that we aren't safe with them. Shouldn't we be able to have some kind of a say in our careers?"

"Yeah, you're right." Her voice is still pretty defeated, but you don't feel awful about it. She knows you're right, she just doesn't want to admit it. WWE has been her home for so long that you doubt she knows what she'd do without it.

Well, it may be time to find out.

The two of you go back up to your hotel room and hop in the shower, even though Lexi didn't swim. It hardly matters to you; any opportunity to see your tiny girlfriend in the nude is a win.

As you enjoy the hot water running down your body, it seems like Lexi has something else on her mind. You hope that she's not wanting to talk about what happened at the pool more, because honestly you'd like to forget. Hell, at this point you would settle for pretending.

You'd love to pretend for a moment that your dream isn't crashing down all around you. That the only thing you're going to have left soon is the girl standing in front of you right now.

"Hey Y/N?" Lexi asks, breaking the silence that had fallen over the shower. You look down at her and ask her what's up. She replies, "Why me?"

A little surprised, you reply, "Didn't we talk about that on like our first date?"

"Yeah, but you kinda just talked and didn't really answer."

"You want the truth? Everything about you is fucking incredible. You're sweet, caring, smart, funny, hot as all hell, and honestly the list goes on. I wish I would have gotten you hurt sooner, as fucked up as that sounds."

"You really think all that? Including that you got me hurt?"

"Well, yeah. I watched Amanda do it, and that was at the height of the drama. If I would have shut her down sooner, you would be champion right now," you say regretfully, and she wraps her arms around you in response. The two of you stand there for awhile, just hugging while the shower runs. Meh, it isn't your water bill anyway. "I love you, Lexi Kaufman."

"I love you too, Y/N."

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