10 - Heating Up

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Tensions have been rising between Seth Rollins and Y/RN via social media. Tonight they face off in a match, but Y/RN suspects it might not be a fair fight.

Y/RN comes out first, soaking up the energy from the crowd as they chant his name. This may only be another Monday night, but it feels like a pay-per-view. A lot is riding on this match; He can certainly talk the talk, but can he walk the walk. Defending against an attack he expected is one thing, and defeating one of the best in the world is another.

Seth's music comes on next, but he's nowhere to be seen. Y/RN us confused at first, but then he realizes what's about to happen. He turns around and WHAM... a steel chair right in the face.

From there Seth continues to attack, beating down his opponent without mercy. Shot after shot with the steel chair leave a defenseless Y/RN battered and bruised.

The smart thing would be for the victim to stay down and cut his losses, but he uses the ropes to stand and face Seth Rollins, who demands that the referee signal for the bell.

Y/RN nods, and the reluctant official signals for the bell. The match gets underway and goes exactly as expected: Y/RN fights valiantly, but isn't in any condition to compete in a match. Seth has him lined up for the Stomp in under five minutes. And this time, unlike last week, his boot connects with the back of Y/RN's head.

By the time Y/RN regains his bearings, Seth is celebrating a huge victory. The slimy bastard pulled one over on him this week.


Lexi enters the men's locker room to discover you laying on the floor shirtless.

"Whatcha doin?" she asks, slightly puzzled. See, she had been getting her makeup done during your segment and didn't know about the attack.

"Colby hit me with a chair. A lot. The cold floor feels nice," you reply, scooting over to a colder bit of floor.

"Dude, you said to keep going!"

"Yeah! Guess what it doesn't mean? Hit me as fucking hard as possible with a chair!"

Lexi can't help but giggle at your bickering. At the end of the day, you're still going to be great friends.

"By the way, what are you doing in here, Lexi?" you ask her, and suddenly Colby 'needs to pee'. Bullshit, he's just gonna go around the corner and eavesdrop.

"I wanted a second opinion on my new outfit..."

Wow, you hadn't even noticed it before, but now that you do it drives you nuts

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Wow, you hadn't even noticed it before, but now that you do it drives you nuts. Her outfits keep getting hotter and hotter.

"It looks great," you reply, standing up to face her. She smiles widely at your compliment. "Kinda reminds me of the Hardy Boys though... you should hit a Swanton Bomb tonight. Rile up the fans."

"You think they'd like that?"

"Lexi, they liked me getting smacked with a chair. They'll love you paying homage to fan favorites."

She thanks you and heads off to the gorilla to wait for her match. You, on the other hand, lay back down on the floor, your mind racing.

Colby comes back around the corner and sits down on the bench like nothing happened. Eavesdropping bastard.

"When did Alexis get so hot?" you think aloud, not really caring if anyone hears.

"Always has been," he replies respectfully, but then he chuckles to himself. "You know, if you want to see her in action, she'll be competing here in a minute."

Now that is an interesting concept. You get up and head towards the gorilla to watch the match, leaving a giggly Colby alone in the locker room.

You sit down and look at the monitor, but you have to do a double take to confirm what you see. That can't be.

When Amanda had said she would be facing off against your new girlfriend, she didn't know about CJ. She must have seen you hanging out with her real opponent: Alexis!

Oh fuck.


The match gets underway, and Mandy Rose takes control nearly instantly with a vicious forearm to the jaw. Alexa is a little dazed, leaving room for Mandy to push her down and kick her in the chest.

Clearly, Mandy did not come to play around. She has a quick victory in mind; Alexa can't allow that to happen, yet is unable to get enough of a break to come up with a plan. Things aren't looking good.

Suddenly, an opportunity arises. Mandy slips while climbing the top rope, nearly falling. That's the chance she's been waiting for. Alexa springs up off the ground and drives a shoulder into the back of Mandy's knee, causing her to fall backwards onto the mat.

Alexa sees her down and remembers Y/N's idea, so she climbs to the top rope with a smile on her face. As soon as she makes it to the top, though, she notices Mandy is on her feet. Uh oh.

Mandy runs forward and jumps on the middle rope, swinging hard with another forearm. However, the previously buckled knee gives way just a little... just enough of a dip for Mandy to miss the forearm and punch Alexa right in the face.

Dazed for real, Alexa falls off the top rope onto the floor below. The collision knocks her clean out. The referee tries to check on her but discovers she is unresponsive. The match is called dead and medical personnel rush to her aid. Mandy, on the other hand, skulks away.

There will be hell to pay for this.

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