who's the cook

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Whoa, check out the view," Kaminari remarked, eyes locked on the girl.

"Yeah, she's definitely got that 'extra' vibe," Kirishima chimed in, nudging Bakugou.

Bakugou glanced over, unimpressed. "Please, she's just another basic trying too hard."

"Ouch, Bakugou, did she reject your hero autograph?" Kirishima teased.

Bakugou smirked, "Nah, she 'accidentally' bumped into me, hoping for a love-at-first-sight moment. Like every other girl who thinks she's got me figured out."

"Well, you are the hero everyone's swooning over," Kaminari joked.

", they all want a piece of this," Bakugou gestured to himself. "But she'll soon learn she's just another fan. Maybe I'll give her a reality check if she doesn't figure it out herself."

As you found an empty seat, your mind raced with dramatic thoughts. "Oh great, is he giving me the 'death by glare' treatment? Maybe his quirk is shooting killer eye lasers," you muttered to yourself

"Hey," a sweet voice interrupted your thoughts, and you jerked, turning to see a smiling face radiating positive vibes.

"Hi," you replied nervously, smiling back.

"I'm Uraraka, nice to meet you. My quirk is zero gravity," she introduced herself, pointing to the pink girl beside her. "And this is Pinky."

"Hi, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you both. My quirk is... well, it's kind of useless. It's cell regeneration, but I can't use it at 100%. It uses my immune system to heal others, so I get sick easily after a few minutes," you explained, feeling disappointed in yourself.

"Oh, it's not that bad. A healing quirk is unique, not everyone has that. Most of us have destructive quirks, especially Bakugou," Uraraka reassured you.

"Who's Bakugou?" you asked innocently.

"What??" both Uraraka and Pinky exclaimed in shock.

"Um, what?" you replied, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You don't know who Bakugou is? Where are you from? You don't seem like you're from this planet because Bakugou is the world's no. 2 hero," Uraraka explained politely.

"Oh, is he... OMG?" you scratched your head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I just can't believe I don't know."

"It's okay, don't worry. Bakugou is a great hero. He's saved the world countless times, alongside Deku, the no. 1 hero," Uraraka explained kindly.

"Oh, wow, with Deku the no. 1 hero," you said, finally recognizing that name.

You had heard about Deku but never about Bakugou. You weren't into hero stuff; your life revolved around chores and cooking, thanks to your stepmother. But you enjoyed cooking, and you were great at it. That's why you moved out, worked at a small restaurant as a cook, and enrolled in this college to learn more about your healing quirk.

"Then Bakugou must be as great as Deku. I wish I could meet them in person," you said wistfully.

As you said this, Uraraka and Pinky started laughing.

"Um, is something wrong?" you asked, feeling a bit confused.

"Haha, nothing, Y/N. It's just that Deku and Bakugou are our classmates," Uraraka said, still chuckling.

"What?" you exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, but unfortunately, Deku's gone to Korea for some work with All Might. He'll be back in a few months," Pinky added.

"Oh," you said, feeling a bit disappointed that you wouldn't get to meet Deku.

"But Bakugou is here," Pinky said with a smile.

"Really? Can I meet him? Can I take some pictures with him?" you asked excitedly, a broad smile on your face.

"Yeah, of course! He's our classmate. Look, that guy over there is Bakugou," Uraraka pointed towards a blonde guy, and your smile faded within seconds.

"What? He's the one?" you couldn't believe it. The world's no. 2 hero was an egomaniac and a jerk. It was hard to reconcile that this was the same person who had saved the world, yet wouldn't even offer help when you fell.

"Come on, let's get you to meet him," Uraraka said, reaching for your hand.

You stopped her suddenly. "Um, it's okay, Uraraka. I'll meet him some other day. I don't feel well today," you lied, unable to meet Uraraka's eyes.

Uraraka and Pinky sensed something was wrong.

"Is there something wrong? If there's something bothering you, you can tell us. We're friends now," Uraraka said softly, smiling warmly.

After hearing this, you felt a rush of warmth. Nobody had ever talked to you so kindly. Looking at how pure Uraraka and Pinky were, you decided to tell them everything that had happened that morning.

"That's why I don't want to upset him more. It was my mistake, I wasn't looking," you explained.

"No, it was just an accident. It wasn't your fault. And yeah, Bakugou can be a bit of a jerk... forget about him," Pinky said, offering you a reassuring smile.

"so how about we hang out about class let's go and explore some cafés ." pinky suggested.

" i cannot , i have to go on work in this restaurant i am a part time cook ."

"ohh wow y/n do you cook?" uraraka said with sparkling eyes.

:yeah i love cooking how about you guys come to my house for dinner .i ll make something for you guys "

:"yeah that sounds great done " uraraka and pinky said.


you were working at the restaurant _

2 spicy chicken wings and extra spicy hakka noodles. 'order.

"what's this new place i can cook my own food all these restaurants are shit they can't even make spicy food properly all they give is blanched food in name of spicy tch.. "bakugou said

"bro i have heard this place has best spicy food yesterday i have ordered from this restaurant and it was great maybe even better than spicy chicken cooked by you bakugou " kirishima said teasingly .

"the hell can anyone make better spicy food than me lets see what shit restaurant you are talking about there's no way their spicy chiken will be better than mine " bakugou said proudly.

the waiter is here - kirishima said

"here it is bakubro give it a try."

"huh" .
bakugou and kirishima starts eating spicy chicken and noodles
bakugou couldn't believe his taste buds he hate to admit it that the was food was actually good and it was as spicy as he like it it was made even better than how he made it .

"so do you like it bakubro ..i know you love it say it say it " kirishima said looking at how bakugou kept eating .

"yeah whatever " bakugou didn't like the fact that someone is better than him in anything A sudden rush to smack the fuck out of the person who cooked it ran through his veins .

"WHO IS THE COOK ?i would like to meet him ." bakugou SHOUTED .

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