job offer

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"WHO the FUCk cooked this fucking chicken wings?" bakugou shouted  looking at the manager   with his angry red eyes . 

"I-is there a problem sir? "trembling manager asked

"you deaf fucker bring me the cook who cooked this fucking spicy chicken or else  i have to blast this shit restaurant  of yours".

"y-ye-s sir  just a minute"

panting and almost out of breath manager ran towards the  kitchen looking for you .

"hey y/n what did you do ?" he shouted

"what? nothing, i did nothing what happened  is everything okay ?."you gasped after looking fear in his eyes

"no nothing is okay you are going to die and you are also getting me killed he is going to blast this place off OMFG run y/n run for your life ,  my god his eyes were so scary, he hated your food he is demanding for the cook ."

"wait wait wait a second who is asking for me ? "you asked frightened  by the his words you have no idea what you did .

did i forget to put salt in chicken what did i do ? was my chicken so badly cooked? you thought.

"just listen to me go and apologize  for what you did and you are fired got it dont come here again.   tell him you will never do any kind of cooking again .
do you even know what have you done he is such a big personality  and he hated your food  my business is doomed because of you."

"whattt ??"you gasped this was the only  job you have you have no money at all .

you were shaking from head to toe you  dont know what to do now

"I am sorry i will apologize  to the customer ." you said shaking

you went out to look for who was asking for you  .your eyes were filled with tears
'now no one will give me any other job after knowing that i am fired from a restaurant  because  a customer complained  about my cooking .' 
you asked the receptionist  who was also frozen
"hey who was asking for me"

"oh he is waiting outside in his car ..i feel sorry for you y/n you dont deserve all this . "she gave you a sympathetic look

"it ohkay "i gave her a fake smile as well.

although i was broken  ,i dawdle towards the car i had no more courage or strength  to get shouted at again.
but since it was all my fault i have to apologize and clear the name of the restaurant  that was defamed  because of my cooking .

there was a black BMW with black windows i couldn't  see who was inside i stand at front of the door with my head down teary-eyed  ready to face the consequences.

door opened someone appeared he was wearing white and red sneakers black jeans ,white t shirt.
i couldn't  look at his face and i said
"i am so sorry it was all my fault  i had  cooked that chicken, i just started working at the restaurant   but now iam fired from the job let me know how can i compensate to you.." i was interrupted 

"the fuck you are saying..."
i heard a similar voice and i looked up all i could see everything blurred due to all those tears.
i wife off my tears to have a clearer look
it was katsuki bakugou, he was looking at me with his same egomaniac expressions tilted head  like he don't  give a fuck about anyone other than himself .

"oh look it's  the shawty from our class"
a red hair guy said who was with him

"listen you dumbass i am not here to listen to your shit life what happened  and what not just tell me did you cooked that spicy chicken wings noodles?"

"y yes "i said looking again at ground avoiding his eyes i didn't  have the courage to look at him  he hated me already.

"so you are fired hunh?" - he said with a smirk.

that jerk he was smiling after making my shit life even more shittier  i hate him  he is so mean and he have a stunning lack of empathy  for sure.

"yes i am "i said holding back my tears

"so lemme give a job offer you will cook for me everyday and i will pay you the double this shitass restaurant has been paying you" bakugou said with with cunning smile and gazing at y/n eyes all this while .

"whattt??? "

'did i heard him right ?
i cook for him ,he hated my cooking    because  of that i have lost my job and now noone will give me a job and now he wants to become a hero after   giving me money to cook for him ? who do he think he is ? this jerk  ahhh. i already have so many problems in life now again.'you thought to yourself.

"you hated my cooking because of that i have been fired why do you want me to cook for you?" you asked .

"ah see  short dumbass i am a hero and i have a reputation  to maintain and after looking at your face i just fucking pity you so if you want here's  my no. text me  or you can go and fuck yourself i dont care hunh". he said and drove off in his car.

reputation my ass what is he talking about dont he know everyone already know what kind of jerk he  is.

i don't  know what should i do now
there's  no way i will cook for him he is just taking his revenge for bumping into him . i also don't  want to go  home again my step mother hates me already. after so many years i have made such nice friends and i had just started living my new life what am i gonna do .

"hey bakubro dont you think you went too far she has been fired from her job , and her cooking was great and you loved it why didn't  you told her the truth."

"shut up spiky hair  i didn't  like her cooking .it was just normal food .
and that bastard owner fired her  without  knowing anything i have nothing to do with it."

"Bakubro you shouted at him he already shitted his pants he thought you hated the food."

"I fucking didn't  shout  ...and i already gave her a offer  what else that short dumbass ask for  ?"

"oooo i see bakubro you loved her cooking so you wanted her to cook for you only that's  why you gave her that job offer ,come on say it you loved her cooking  everyone knows you don't  give a fuck what people think of you."

"tch ofcourse i dont care what people think of me shitty hair . and i just gave the job offer because she was fired and not because  i liked her cooking or anything  i just did my part as a world's no. 2  hero she should worship me for her whole life  ."


1172 words

《TOXIC》katsuki bakugou × readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang