Part 19: Allies or newfound enemies?

Start from the beginning

Red: *Summons his gauntlets* Come on Mr. Oinker! *Pulls out Mr. Oinker from the Shulker box* 

Mr. Oinker: OINK!!!

Green: *Grabs his Multi-tool* So this thing has literally anything huh? *Makes a claymore* Oh that is sick!

Blue: *Readies his arrows* *Readies his bow* Get ready...

Orange: *Summons His Enma* Come at us then!

Reed & Roy: *Summon their triple blades* Santoryu!

Lea: So be it then. Kill them now.

Shinobi: *Rushes the gang* 


E: So, what's gonna be happening is, everything happens at the same time. Alright let's start the fight!

*Time resume*

*Blue POV*

Blue: *Cuts Shinobis with his arrow* Thunder arrow! *Fires his bow*

*The arrow ricochets again and again hitting over 50 Shinobi*

Blue: A guided arrow!? 

Shinobis: *Rushes Blue*

Blue: *Unsheathes his Katana* *Readies his bow* Come at me whenever you like! 

*Red POV* 

Red: *Punching Shinobi into the wall* I always wanted to do this since I've watched JoJo!

Mr. Oinker: *Ramming Shinobi* Oink.

Red: *Spin kicks a Shinobi* Well, don't get me wrong kicks are also cool. Let's make these Shinobi packing back to their mommies!

Mr. Oinker: Oink! 

Shinobi: *Rushes Red and Mr. Oinker*

Red: BAZOOKA PUNCH- *Creates a large AOE shockwave* Our weapons have secret abilities too!?

Mr. Oinker: OINK!!! *Fires a horn laser from the helmet* Oink, oink, oink, oink!!


*Orange POV*

Orange: Enma release! *Creates a giant air slash* What the-

Shinobi: What is that- *Cut all over* 

Orange: :0. Wha? That is epic! *Cuts up multiple Shinobi* I need to test our more of these moves!

Reed: Get down! Kamehameha! *Fires a Kamehameha wave* 

Orange: WHOA! *Ducks* That was epic!

Reed: They're so many of them! We need to re group and think of a plan!

Orange: Can't be said any better- *Cuts a Shinobi* Yeah we should group up!

*Everyone POV*

Shinobis: *Surrounding them*

Lea: Last chance. Give us the scroll of the ninja arts.

Reed: If you want it... Come and take it then!

Everyone else: SON OF A-

Lea: Attack them. And don't leave any survivors left.

Shinobis: Yes, ma'am.

Roy: *Shakes his head* We still have one move we haven't tried yet!

Reed: Will it even fit in here? The place is large not gonna lie but really?


Green: JUST GO ON!!!

Reed: Well, we heard em. Let's go! *Summon his 9 tail avatar*

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