The Sacred Grove

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Twilight's POV

I led the way through the tunnel, over the bridges and past the now missing, swinging pendulums.

We entered the forest with no problems. Epona stayed consistent and never had to double back.

Thanks to the tree, we could just walk across the the pit easily.

I walked through the trees, hackles raised. There was something off about the atmosphere...

I could tell the Legend and Wild sensed that something was wrong as well. Wild was holding his slate with an iron grip, and Legend was nocking an arrow.

Epona walked carefully and silently, her tail was perfectly still.

I kept my eyes open, expecting to hear the all-too familiar trumpet of Skull Kid's horn.

But it never came.

The grove was dead silent as we tiptoed through, jumping at every little sound.

A snapping twig over there, the wind whistling over there, the leaves shaking there...

But no other forest sounds reached their ears. No cicada chittered in the dying sunlight, not a single bird singing a lullaby to its young...


It was as if every living thing in the forest had died. Leaving nothing left.

Not even Skull Kid was left to sing his eerie song, and protect the woods.

Soon, we emerged into a clearing surrounded by the ruins of the Temple of Time. Not having lost a single drop of blood from any attacks.

The two guardian statues stood and silent and stoic as ever, forever guarding the Master Sword.

I could even see the sacred blade, coated in ethereal light, not a care in the world...

I had Wild go climb up to the higher platform, expecting him to take the stairs, which he obviously didn't, as I walked into the resting place of the legendary sword.

Everything was as it was when I left one and half years ago.

The purple, gold emblazoned sheath was sitting propped up against the wall.

Not a breeze had touched this sacred place.

The sword was submerged in mist and I could barely see my hand in front of my face as I walked closer.

The sword had seemed so desolate... so alone from afar. Now it was glowing harshly, not like it did when I first found it, no.

It was almost like... a warning.

Legend shouted from behind me, Wild cried out in surprise.

I turned my back on the Master Sword and booked it into the meadow. My sword already resting in my hands.

A black shape was materializing in the middle of the grass.

I put myself between it, and my horse, dispute her huff of indignation.

The shape looked like it was made out of smaller, rectangular black shapes, twisting and turning... It was almost familiar...

I dampened my hopes. It was not her. I knew it couldn't be.

But I couldn't keep myself from staring expectantly into the darkness.

Then... the shape solidified and took color...

And I found out who it was.



Do you love me now?

I wonder who it is...


I'm sorry this is probably a little late me than y'all would've expected/hoped.

I was suffering from a temporary loss of inspiration, my dog died, and I just couldn't bring myself to write.

But it's here, and I hope you liked it!

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