First Night and Some Stalfos(?)

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Warriors' POV

Hyrule managed to wake me up before night fell. And when it did we decided to set up camp since we don't know anything about this Hyrule.

Speaking of Hyrule. It was his turn to cook. Yay.

The Traveler is better at magic and healing then he was at cooking.

It wasn't long until the smell of burnt charcoal filled the air. How charcoal could be burnt, I will never know.

Hyrule passed out his maybe-soup to all of us.

One taste, and I was ready to meet Hylia at the golden gates.

When Hyrule was distracted I dumped my soup into Twilight's bowl, ignoring his Wolf stare as I did.

After dinner we all just sat around and talked about random stuff.

Wind told us a ghost story that was so bad, we all had to hold back laughter. Even Wind! Me and Legend had argued about something stupid that I couldn't really remember.

Wind fell asleep not long after the sun went down. Which was a blessing, if the kid didn't get at least eight hours of sleep he was cranky in the mornings. And that was never good. When he talked/yelled at us he would do so while using pirate terms that we couldn't understand.

Hyrule was out cold not long after. He had used a lot of magic healing us. Who knew that portals could do that much damage?

I decided to take first watch and let everyone get some rest

Then... right there... a noise. I heard footsteps and bones rattling in the wind.

Immediately those of I stood up and unsheathed my sword. Preparing for a fight. We had set up camp on the hill/cliff Hylia dropped us off at.

It was a few minutes of waiting in a suspenseful silence when the monsters came up the hill.

In the light created by the almost-full moon we could tell that they must be some pig monsters, like the common Bokoblin.

But as they got closer... they were nothing like them.

They were just bone. They had no skin or organs. Yet they had eyes that glowed from their place in the sockets. They looked like Stalfos, but... not.

I stiffened as the living skeletons came near.

Then one of the three monsters stopped. We froze as well. I hoped that they didn't attack innocent time-travelers.

I was wrong.

The monster that had stopped took an arrow out of seemingly no where, and nocked an arrow before aiming it at us.

Definitely not your normal Stalfos.

The other two Stalfos drew swords and attacked. I met them in the middle.

I traded blows with one, wondering what it's weakness was, as I dodged arrows shot by the sniper.

I cut the monster across the ribs and let the bones fall into a pile at my feet.

But of course it wasn't that easy.

Almost immediately the bones began to move and stitch themselves back together and the head, which had rolled away, rolled back onto its body.

Suddenly I had an idea. But I didn't know if it would work. Well, won't know until I try, right?

I struck the Stalfos (Really what are these things?) on its head as hard as I could with my sword hilt.

The skeleton once again fell apart. But the bones quickly turned black and then disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, leaving some things behind.

I smiled before I was engaged in a fight with the other one.

That's their weakness. I have to hit them on the head.

With that in mind I quickly took care of the remaining two monsters.

As the adrenaline left my body I felt a piercing pain in my arm. I looked down to find a arrow sticking out of it.

Of course. I thought bitterly.

Before I felt with it, though, I wanted to hide any struggle from the others, I don't want them to know. I hid the parts and weapons they left behind. (Seriously since when can they do that? And why are they important?)

And then I carefully pulled the arrow out, not making a sound.

I then went into Hyrule's bag and took out some bandages. I pulled my tunic and chain mail layer off to get a better look at the wound.

It didn't look to bad to be honest. There wasn't a lot of blood which was a good thing. And it was no problem bandaging it.

I tied it off and then gave the roll back to Hyrule. I then pulled my chain mail and tunic back on over my head.

I didn't spend time thinking about how the arrow managed to pierce said chain mail.

A few hours of wonderful silence I woke Time up for his shift.

When I went to sleep I didn't feel the dull numbness slowly spreading throughout my arm.

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