A Mix-up

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Legend's POV

The instant I stepped through the portal, I knew something was wrong.

The smell of the ocean disappeared just seconds before we fully entered.

The feeling that usually comes with transitions, was worse this time around.

I had to tighten my grip on Twilight's hand. I saw Wild do the same. Twilight squeezed our hands reassuringly.

Then we exited.

I dropped Twi's hand and bent over in half, taking deep breaths. I saw Wild being held up by Twilight.

Poor kid, not a good first transition.

I studied the ground beneath my feet. I breathed in through my nose and noticed the absence of a salty ocean breeze.

I looked up and saw we were in a village.

The villagers stood before us, a man with brown hair brandishing a sword. A boy with blonde hair-his son I'm guessing-stood with his own sword.

"When are we?" I said after I'd recovered from the initial dizziness. I learned that 'where' we were, didn't mean anything if we didn't know 'when' we were.

"The Era of Twilight." Twilight said. "Two months after the Shadow Invasion."

"I'm guessing it's your Hyrule then?" The Rancher nodded.

"Link!" The crowd shouted once they recognized Twilight.

Wild—who had recovered faster than I did—backed away as the kids ran up to Twilight.

I smiled. I always had a soft spot for kids.

"What's your name?" I heard a voice ask. I looked down at a boy who looked around five or six. "Legend." I said cautiously.

"Malo." The child said with the same tone of voice.

A loud snigger made me look up. My eyes landed on Wild, who was smothering another with his hand.

I had conflicting thoughts.

The first thing thing I heard out of this kid was a laugh? And, who was he to talk? He was scared of kids.

Speaking of, a little girl dressed in pink appeared at Wild's side.

"Who are you?" She asked loudly.

I winced. Wild's response was to jump away from the girl, and pressed himself into Twilight's side.

Twilight wrapped his arm around Wild.

I crossed my arms in jealousy. Wild didn't even look me in the eye.

I wondered what caused them to get so close so soon.

"It's okay Beth." Twilight told the little girl. "This is Wild, he's very shy and a little skittish."

"Oh." Beth said.

A man with brown hair-the one with the sword-stepped forward. "Well, if you're sure you might be here a while..."

Twilight nodded. "We don't know when we'll be able to reunite with the rest of the chain."

"...Then why not have a feast!" Another man said.

He had a potbelly and a weird mustache. "I'm mayor Bo." He introduced. "Welcome to Ordon Village!"

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