Chapter 24!!

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Wild's POV

When I woke the next morning, Twilight was already up, and I could hear muffled arguing coming from below.

I reluctantly pulled myself on my feet and further away from the sweet embrace of sleep. (And I mean the kind not plagued with nightmares of the people you couldn't save.)

I climbed silently down the ladders and walked up to Legend and Twilight, who were in a heated argument.

"No!" Legend said. "This is a 'g'!"

The Vet brandished a piece of paper I recognized as the letter I received yesterday.

"I thought we were going to wait until someone who knows my Hylian can help me." I said, making them jump.

Legend shrugged. "We don't know how long that'll be, and this might be more important than we think."

Fair. I thought.

"Come on over." Twi said, patting a place between the two heroes on the couch.

I walked over and joined them, staring down in horror at the chaos they had single-handedly caused, spread across the table.

The original letter was now set in front of him, possible translations everywhere. In both Twi and Legend's Hylian.

Over the next few hours, they showed me my name, Zelda's (which was at the bottom), and many other words they managed to translate.

It turns out, my Hylian is very similar to Twilight's so that made translating easier.

The two had written up the alphabet in each of our variations of the same language. It was obvious there were missing bits and pieces of my Hylian, but that's not a huge problem.

I also learned Twilight and Legend's Hylian along with mine.

To say it was quite the adventure would be an understatement.

We continued it for a few days before we had the letter translated enough that we got the gist of it.

Zelda's rebuilding of Hyrule castle and Castle town is coming along great. The town is actually almost finished. She also created a holiday to celebrate all the heroes who died during the Great Calamity. She calls it Champion's Day.

The next day, we set out from Ordon Village.

Link said we had to go visit his Zelda, also known as Dusk.

I wonder what my Zelda's nickname should be?

We spent a few days on the road, stopping to fight off black-blooded monsters and spent a night at Kakariko village.

But finally, Hyrule castle appeared before us.

I found guilty pleasure in seeing that it had been destroyed and was being reconstructed. That meant I probably wasn't a failure if Twilight's Hyrule castle had fallen as well.

Legend was walking along beside Twi and myself on Epona.

Whenever I saw her now, it was all I could do to keep back the tears.

I retreated back into my hood as we neared the bustle of Castle Town.

The guards took Epona from us to put her in a stable. Which meant I had to go in on foot.

Into the crowds.

I stopped just before the second pair of doors, loud noise already seeping from behind them.

When they noticed I wasn't following, Legend and Twilight stopped, then turned to face me.

"Wild?" Legend asked.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say he sounded concerned. The low lighting in the corridor also made me believe he looked that way.

But I know he would never be concerned about me. Who would? I'm just some failure.

One who they'll most definitely kick out once they learn of what I let happen.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm fine."

I still can't believe they managed to somehow coax me into verbal speech.

I pulled my hood down lower and stepped forward.

Twilight pulled open a door and suddenly, we were engulfed in chaos.

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