Yay! Homicidal Wolves!

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Four's POV

Vio sat down on a fallen log. He scanned the surrounding forest for any threats.

Who was that guy? Red asked.

What guy? You're to have to be more specific. Blue said.

You know, the guy in blue. This Hyrule's Link. Red elaborated.

Next time, lead with that. Vio thought.

Hmph. Red huffed.

But yeah, what was up with that guy? Green spoke up. He randomly appears, kills a guy, and then disappears. Just like that.

That was weird... Vio mused.

Weird? Blue said skeptically. He's my kind of guy! Where do you think he ran off too?

Blue, Green scolded. We're here to find the Link to convince him to join us, not find you a new friend.

Blue was about to retort but was interrupted by Green.

Guys, shut up I think I hear something.

The colors fell silent as Vio reached for the Four Sword. His eyes darted to every shadow, looking for any new threats. His ears were pricked and alert.

Then... there was a faint rustling of leaves. Vio looked over at the closest tree to camp.

There was nothing. But then, there was a flash of blue as the thing in the tree climbed higher.

Vio narrowed his eyes and gripped his sword tighter.

A distant howl tore through the night's silence.

Vio involuntarily flinched at the noise, but his eyes never left the tree.

Another howl shattered the peace.

This one was from the tree.

Twilight twitched.

Vio stiffened as the previous Wolf howled back. It was getting closer.

There was more movement in the tree as the thing in it continued to climb, this time it was in a rush.

The Wolf howled. It was hostile.

Vio hurriedly made my way over to where Time was asleep, not caring to avoid the other sleeping figures.

Choruses of 'Ow!' and 'Four!' and some other less nice responses filled the camp.

When he got to their sleeping (unofficial) leader, Vio kneeled beside him and began to shake him back to consciousness.

Time grunted in protest but finally relented and got up.

"What is it Four?" He asked. "Is it time for my..." Time trailed off once he saw Vio's distressed expression.

Time opened his mouth to ask another question when another howl ripped toward the chain's ears.

All signs of weariness disappeared from everyone's faces as they hurriedly strapped their armor on and woke up the others that were asleep. (Sky did not like that arrangement at all)

Vio stepped back and let Blue take over the body. He was admittedly the best of the four when it came to combat.

Blue readied his sword and shifted into a defensive stance with his brothers surrounding him.

It was quiet.

A chill crept up Blue's spine.

The forest and everyone and everything was deathly quiet.

Then a pair of jaws snapped into their camp.

The one who was closest to the Wolf—Legend—hastily took a step backward and beside Sky, who was now wide awake. Fi humming in his grip.

The Wolf was giant. He came up to Blue's stomach.

His fur was pitch black, they could just barely make out his figure.

Saliva dribbled from his bared fangs as he crept into the light of their dying campfire.

His eyes were fixed on a very bewildered and confused Twilight.

He must be smelling Twilight. Vio suggested. Since Twi's part wolf, he must see the Rancher as a threat.

That note didn't sit well with the other colors.

Suddenly Wind leaped forward, dragging his sword along the wolf's muzzle, the scent of blood throwing the wolf off Twilight's track.

The wolf whimpered for a minute from the sudden pain, before he gathered himself up and continued advancing.

He lunged at Hyrule but was cut short by Legend.

He growled. But he looked uncertainly at them. Then, he tilted his head back and howled. Within minutes, his pack erupted from the brush.

Everyone faltered. He had a big pack. They were easily outnumbered, 9:20.

There was a shout from above and the blue-clad guy from earlier jumped down from a tree and onto the back of the Alpha.

His sword was drawn as he slashed at his new mount from above.

The Wolf tried desperately to dislodge the extra weight, but the newcomer held on easily.

Finally, the Wolf fell. The new guy turned to face the rest of the pack, his sword glistening with the blood of their leader.

The pack eventually broke off and disappeared back into the forest.

Blue let out a sigh of relief.

Warriors stepped up to greet the stranger. "Thank you for saving us." He said. "I'm Warriors, who are y—" he tried to say but was cut off as he collapsed on the ground at the stranger's feet.


There, another chapter. Also, do y'all have any idea on what the other Links dark world forms are? Or whatever they're called? (Like Twi being a Wolf and Legend being a pink Rabbit)

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