Link's New Hero Title

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Warrior's POV

Link volunteered to cook. At first, we were wary about wether he was any good or not, but after a few minutes, a delicious aroma filled the air.

My mouth watered in anticipation.

Soon we were all holding bowls of Pumpkin Stew. It was almost as good as Twilight's.

I studied Link discreetly over the bowl's brim.

It was clear to see that Link had seen more than a few battles.

Burn scars covered the left side of his face and disappeared beneath his ratty blue tunic.

Said tunic was two different colors, and under the neckline, was an embroidery of a familiar sword.

He had told us that the weird rectangle he carried around was called a 'Sheikah Slate'.

After dinner, it was time to find his nickname.

Sky moved to sit a few feet away from Link. I could tell Link knew Sky was there, but didn't show it.

The camp grew quiet as Sky took Fi off his back.

Link looked suspicious.

Sky hesitated. He was obviously thinking about what to say.

Time nodded at the Chosen Hero from the other side of the fire.

"Um... Link?" Sky asked. Link turned to face him.

"I have to tell you something." Sky stalled.

Link raised an eyebrow.

Time decided to help out. "Remember what Impa said yesterday? About us being heroes of Courage?"

Link nodded slowly. Obviously curious about where this was going.

"We're all reincarnations of the heroes spirit. Like you." Link's eyes widened. "We also share the same name. Link. That's why we use our hero titles as nicknames."

Link raised his eyebrow in question.

"So, just calling you Link would be confusing." Time continued. That's true. "Sky here's going to help us find out what your nickname is."

Sky nodded. "Fi will help us." Sky took the Master Sword out of her sheath.

Sky held her out to Link. The new hero put his wooden bowl and spoon on the ground, taking Fi from Sky.

When she left Sky's grip, she began to immediately age thousands of years.

Her sharp blade became dull and rusty. The purple paint on Fi's hilt was flaking off.

Fi glimmered weakly in Link's hands. Link looked panicked and confused.

Sky took the sword out of Link's hands gently and slowly.

Sky smiled kindly. "Welcome, Hero of the Wild."

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