Part One of Wild's Family

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Twilight's POV

The second Wild froze and his eyes glazed over, we began to panic.

Four, who was nearest to him, began to shout in his ear. Wind waved his hand in front of Wild's eyes. Hyrule got out his first-aid kit.

But after a few minutes, Wild awoke.

He shrank away from our questions, and curled into a ball. His shoulders shook slightly as he cried.

I abandoned Epona and sat beside him.

I don't know why, but I always felt a connection to him. And seeing him as vulnerable as this, struck something in me.

Wild seemed to lean into my touch.

Finally, Wild looked up. His eyes were bloodshot and tear tracks lined his face.

"You okay, Pup?" I asked. The nickname left my mouth before I even knew it was there.

Wild nodded, not acknowledging anyone.

Epona walked up to him. She nuzzled his shoulder.

Wild looked over. When he saw her, a new wave of tears came.

"I'm so sorry Epona." He cried. "I couldn't save you."

Epona sat down next to Wild and refused to leave him until the next morning.

I was confused as to what happened still. I wasn't the only one, but we didn't pry.

That morning, we packed up and continued on to Rito Village.

It wasn't long before we saw a rock spire, shooting into the sky. A giant mechanical bird was perched on the top.

if I hadn't been busy marveling at it, I would've noticed Wild roll his eyes at some invisible person.

Wild told us we wouldn't be able to bring our horses, so we boarded them at the stable before walking up to the village.

Small islands connected the bridges that were suspended over a large lake.

I didn't hear what Wild said to the Rito guard at the entrance, as I was still in awe.

Wild led us up numerous steps around the rock spire. The Rito were nothing like Wind's.

They looked like they resembled birds more than Hylians.

Wild waved to a Rito with black feathers like a raven, who was making a bow.

We then came to a house with three Rito in it.

A male had white and black feathers, a female with pink, and a little boy with grayish-brown feathers.

When they saw Wild, their faces lit up and then we lost Wild.

The older male patted him on the back with a smile. The kid hugged Wild like they were brothers, and the female busied herself with mothering Wild.

We sat back and watched the scene with amusement.

Wild tried to push the female Rito off of him, but I could tell he liked the attention.

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