A Wolf

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Twilight's POV

I stared at the place the teenager disappeared. He seemed familiar to me in some way. A strong feeling to protect him was also present.

Although I am sure that I have never seen him before. I would have recognized him though. I'm sure of that.

His bright blue eyes, blue tunic, and strange glowing slate wouldn't let him blend into the crowd easily.

I took the first watch. My gaze never leaving that one spot.

Unless there was a noise, then I would look away. Although the only noises there are, are of the Captain's occasional snore and Four talking in his sleep.

When he's asleep is one of the only times when the colors in his brain are noticeable.

After a few restlessly quiet hours, I woke Four up for his shift.

His eyes flashed blue when he was first woke up—Blue doesn't like being woke up—before there was a purple flash in them as Vio took control.

We learned about the colors after a few months of traveling with Four and questioning his odd behavior. Also, it wasn't hard to figure out.

I fell into a sleep full of dreams that weren't really dreams or nightmares. But seemed more like memories that don't belong to me, but seem so right.


"Wolfe!" A voice cried accompanied by an excited-looking face. Link held his Sheikah slate up for me to see.

"I got a picture of a gold Lynel!" He shouted.

I whined, scolding him for being so reckless.

The image he showed me was of a gold lynel charging toward the photographer, it's weapons out and ready to kill.

My cub pouted. "You 'said' the same thing about when I shield-surfed down that hill!"

It was not a hill. It was mountain. I growled even though I knew he couldn't understand me.

His next words where inaudible as the dream changed.


I sat on my back legs, looking out over Hyrule from my perch on a cliff. Link sat next to me, as lost in thought as I was.

Link's eyes were trained on the castle in the distance.

He glared defiantly at the malice surrounding it.

"Wolfie..." He started. "I'm going to take on Ganon soon." He turned to look at me. "You in?"

I barked. I'd never let him go alone.

Link smiled at me. "Then what are we waiting for?"


I woke up in a cold sweat, remembering nothing of my dreams.


Link's POV

I sat in a tree, studying the camp below.

A guy with dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, chainmail and a green tunic, a wolf's pelt, and strange markings on his forehead.

He seemed familiar.

His blue eyes, markings and Wolf pelt reminded me of my friend Wolfe. But I hadn't seen him since before I charged Hyrule Castle. He had disappeared in the night. But I won't stop looking for him.

Zelda let me go and look for him after I defeated Ganon. She had let me off as her appointed Knight, since she wouldn't need protection now that he was gone.

We still meet in parting. We decided to get together at least once a year on the same day to honor the death of the champions.

She said I would know which day. And where.

But it's been only two months since we parted. And that date hasn't passed. And I haven't found my old friend yet.

I came back to the here-and-now, just in time for Wolf pelt to wake the next guy for his shift.

He was small. Like really small. He had straight blonde hair that went down to his collarbone. He had blue eyes and a multicolored tunic with a belt wrapped around his middle.

A distant howl broke through the silence. The small guy flinched and reached for his sword.

My ear flicked. It didn't sound familiar but it was a howl of longing. That Wolf was searching for someone.

I tilted my head back and howled. The guy below looked in my direction.

The Wolf guy twitched in his sleep.

The strange Wolf howled again but closer. I knew that Wolf.

I started panicking. This Wolf was not a friend. He was the farthest thing from it.

I started climbing higher in my tree making as little sound as I could.

That Wolf that I had called, was an enemy, and I had led it straight toward a group of innocent travelers. 

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