26. House in Hawaii

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We decided to take a trip to Hawaii, to visit our island, before the girls, and us, officially moved there. I woke up at four am, to get the bags into the limo(yes, we rented a limo.) and I made everyone some food and different snacks for on the way.

Harry woke up a bit after me, and he started getting the kids awake. We needed to be out of the house by five-thirty if we were gonna get to our private jet on time.

Everyone gathered in the living room, looking tired. I could tell Ainsley and Daisy hadn't slept at all, since Ainsley was on the phone with Jo, and Daisy was very into the book she was reading. And, they were still in jeans and I t-shirt.

I made sure the younger kids had everything they needed, before grabbing Niall some motion sickness medicine and leading everyone into the limo.

"You don't use that unless you're pregnant." Dylan said, watching as I handed it to Niall. "Holy shit. Really?" Niall nodded and Dylan nodded, getting into the limo.

Everyone except Liam was seated in the back part of limo, because he wanted to make sure we got there right. So he's driving us.

Hannah and Drew sat together, talking low voices, Ainsley sat next to Hannah still talking to Jo, Kayla sat next to Ainsley, with Daisy and Dax following her.

I sat on the other side, Bea on my lap, while Harry sat next to us, with Floyd on his lap sleeping. Next to Harry sat Jaiden and then Ivy and Reid. Zayn sat on the end next to Reid. Then Niall sat on by himself where there was only two seats. (Sorry, I'm bad at explaining)

When we got to the airport, we grabbed the little kids and our bags and we were off to our flight. Off to Hawaii, to our island.

Since our private jet was big, all of us got to spread out, even though me and my husbands were cuddled the whole time. Daisy and Jaiden were reading, while the rest of them were either asleep or on their electronics.

As soon as I saw the beautiful island, I slapped Harry and Niall, the two that happened to be in arms reach,

"Our oasis!" I joked, running off as soon as we landed. The kids followed and I made them stand here for a second while we got our bags. "Okay. So, let's get to the house so we can set our stuff down, then if you'd like you can go explore. Only if you tell me where you are, and what you're doing at all times." I said sternly, as Zayn and Liam led us to our house. (As pictured above)

All of the kids ran around our house, trying to find a room for themselves. What they don't know, is we had it decorated with what they'd want, beforehand. So, they already technically had their bedrooms picked.

"Kids!" I called, "So, weve got some things to talk about. First, as you might have noticed, all of the bedrooms are decorated. To fit each of your likes. So, if you find one you like, it's most likely yours. Second, we'll be staying here for about a week, and then we're going home. But, but. We're moving here in six weeks. Oh and Niall's pregnant." I said shooing off my kids.

They all looked at us surprised before they ran off to find their bedrooms. Ainsley's was boho inspired, with a few items I know she'd enjoy. I got her a guitar because she's been trying to learn. Then, Daisy's was a mix of black, white and light pink decorations, with a giant wall of bookshelf. We had two nursery rooms. One for Floyd, because he still has a crib, and one for the new baby. Bea and Ivy have different bedrooms, but they were basically decorated the same. They had soft, pastel colors and a lot of toys.

Reid had a wood theme, a four poster bed with some decorations hanging from it. And a lot of stuffies. He was happy about that. Jaiden had a Lego theme, with the same bed style as Reid. Dax had a different style then anyone else. He had country style. Dark wood bed frame, cow pictures, and cowboy boots.

Hannah had a minimalistic room, just a few plants and some white bedding. Not too much, but she has a lot, so it's ok. Then, Kayla had a bunch of plants, some records on the wall, and a few music posters. Dylan had a canopy atop his bed frame, with some drapes and fairy lights mixed in. Then Drew, he had a more modern room. With some dark colors and reds, and grays mixed in with his bedsheets.

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