7. Cleaning Day!

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The next day, I woke up at about five am, not being able to sleep very well, and I decided to clean up the house, before we had Thanksgiving dinner at our house. It was only Tuesday, and Thanksgiving is on Thursday, but i might as well get our cleaning out of the way.

I cleaned the kitchen, dining room, living room, and one of the downstairs bathrooms. When I was done, it was seven AM, and Harry woke up, to feed Floyd. I kissed the curly haired man's cheek, and whispered an 'I love you' as he walked by.

As Harry fed our son, I sat on the couch next to him. I folded some laundry, while discussing different things with my husband.

"So, I was thinking, maybe we should get the boys a car? Since the girls share one, I don't think the boys want to find a bra in the backseat when they're hanging with friends." Harry said,

"Why would there be bras in my daughter's backseat?"

"Well, they're seventeen. They'll be graduating this year, you think they're virgins?"

"Ew! Don't say that!"

"C'mon! I lost mine at fourteen. Zayn and Niall lost theirs at fifteen, and you and Liam at sixteen. Think about it, they're teenagers,"

"No, I do not want to think about it," I fake gagged. "Now, put Floyd in his playpen and help me." I pointed toward my basket of laundry and he nodded, setting Floyd in his playpen and helping me.

An hour later, about eight-fifteen AM, I went to wake up the little kids. I walked upstairs and into Bea and Ivy's room. They, technically have two separate rooms, but Bea always begs to sleep in Ivy's bed, and the older girl doesn't mind. I shook them awake and went into Ivy's closet. I grabbed her a checkered dress, a white sweater, and some black leggings. I laid them on her chair and walked out to Bea's bedroom.

(Ivy's outfit)

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(Ivy's outfit)

I grabbed Bea some Trolls pants, shirt and a pink headband, and I grabbed a Trolls scarf because it was cold outside. Then I went back to Ivy's room and shook them again, successfully waking them up.

(Bea's outfit)

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(Bea's outfit)

I then woke Reid up, letting Dax and Jaiden sleep, because they stayed up late last night, watching tv. I dressed Reid in some red flannel pants, a blue t-shirt, and then, when he whined about being cold, I grabbed him a white hoodie. I also placed a jean jacket out for if we went out later.

When the kids were ready, I walked them downstairs, setting them at the table, giving them some blocks they could play with, while I made them breakfast

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When the kids were ready, I walked them downstairs, setting them at the table, giving them some blocks they could play with, while I made them breakfast. While I was making some pancakes, Niall woke up, Liam and Daisy following behind.

Niall brushed Bea's hair, and put it in little buns, while Daisy helped Liam do Ivy's into some braids. I laughed, watching my husband trying and failing to braid her hair.

When I sat the plates down, Reid and Ivy started eating, while Bea just stared at it. I tried feeding it to her, but she wouldn't.

"What's wrong? You love pancakes." Niall said softly, picking her up from the table. "My little potato. I love you. Now, can you eat for me?"


"Why sweetpea?"

"Betuse my tummy hurt." Bea whined, sticking her head into Niall's shoulder.

"Take her up to Zee, maybe she's sick?" Liam said, helping Reid eat.

"Yeah, is Zee awake?"

"Yes," Zayn said, standing at the doorway. "Now, what's wrong with my little angel?"

"Don feew goo."

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