17. Prom pt. 1

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Ainsley's POV

I stared at my phone while everyone posted pics of prom. Today, March eighteenth, two days after my brothers first birthday, was the school prom. And I can't go.

I'm not in trouble or anything. No, not at all, it's worse. I can't go, because I wanted to take my girlfriend.

Me and Jo have been going out for a few months, and I wanted this dance to be special for her. And me, but I could care less. I'd rather sit at home with her all day. But she was heartbroken when our stupid student council said we couldn't go.

"Nugget, what's wrong?" Jo asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I hate when you use that name." I grumbled, cuddling closer to her. We were in my bedroom, cuddled up under my knitted blanket she made me.

"You love it. Now, bubs, what's wrong?" She kissed my cheek, smiling sweetly at me.

"I just wish you could go to prom." I sighed, "we. I wish we could go to prom. I've got to admit, showing off my hot, juicy, wonderful girlfriend sounds really nice."

"Eww, don't call me juicy."

"But you are." I shrugged before smirking. "Or at least one part of you is," She slapped me just as i heard a scream. "Stop listening, Daisy! Plus, I know what you read."

"Hey, hey, we don't talk about that." She mumbled, walking up my latter. "But, why don't you just throw your own prom?"

"Where would we do that? And how?"

"Here. Dude, have you seen our house? And I will help you plan it. We can have it on the last week of school."

"So...next week?" Jo asked. "Do you think you could pull it off?"

"Yes! With the help of Dad and H," Daisy shrugged. "And I do believe we could do it by next week. Maybe, the last day of school? Have a little summer bash?"

"Knowing you it's not gonna be little." I chuckled, knowing my sister could get a little out of hand. But, she reads a lot, so you can't really blame her.

"That's what she said." Jo mumbled against my hair making me snort.

"Or he. Now, I've gotta go tell our parents about this!" Daisy exclaimed, running down my latter and out of our bedroom.

"She's weird," I mumbled.

"What does she read?!" Jo asked, concerned.

"Don't worry. She doesn't read what you do. Yet," I teased, making her turn a bright red. "Aw, baby, your so adorable." I cooed, hugging her tightly. (Me if I ever get to see my girlfriend in real life)

A little while later, we went downstairs for dinner. It was honestly a hassle every night, because, c'mon I've got eleven siblings, plus five dads. Since we don't have enough chairs, Jo sat in my lap the whole time, which I liked, but maybe a bit too much.

We ate some simple food, but somehow, my little siblings got food everywhere on the table. And the walls. Like, how do you do that?! I of course was in cleaning duty today. Haha, duty. Anyway, it honestly was better with my girlfriend helping me. After we cleaned, we went upstairs to Dylan's room, seeing Hannah and Kyla already in there.

"Hey," Kayla said from Dylan's bed, where she was doing her nails. "Jo, can I do your nails?"

"Of course." Jo said, kissing my lips softly and running onto my brothers bed. That sounded weird, kinda kinky. Shut up, Brain!

I saw Dylan doing Hannah's makeup, so I went to mess with them.

It's always a party- {Zianourry} (Mpreg) ✓Where stories live. Discover now