6. Period.

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Two months later; November

Somehow, all of my kids went through a growth spurt at the same time. So, it is Thanksgiving break and I am taking all of the kids to go clothes shopping. Thankfully, I don't have to get much for Floyd since we have clothes for him until he's about one, and he's only five months.

I made sure Dax and Jaiden had their outfits picked out, and then I watched Bea, Ivy and Reid dress themselves. Yes, that sounds weird, but I need to make sure they can do it, before I just let them.

Once I had the little kids all ready and in the van, I made sure the older kids were ready, and in the twins SUV before I got buckled in, with Harry.

We went to the mall, so the older kids could go to the shops they wanted, instead of tagging along with their giant family.

"Okay, you each get two hundred. Now, if you go over, you'll be repaying us. Daisy, you coming with us?" Harry said.

"Can I go on my own?"

"Yes, just text me where you are, and where your going. Same for you guys. Goodbye."  I said, waving my oldest children off.

The twins, Drew, Dylan, Ainsley and Daisy walked off, leaving the younger kids with me. Harry took the boys to some store i didn't recognize, and I took the girls to Claire's.

I let Bea pick out a bunch of bows, even though it wasn't necessary. I also let Ivy pick out some earrings and other things. Then I took them to a random kids clothes store. Bea got a few unicorn dresses and some gold shoes with colorful dots. Then, Ivy got some leggings, jean shorts, and printed t-shirts.

Then we checked out and met with Harry out in the food court. We got the children some food, and they all sat down, eating chicken nuggets. Just as I started eating, Daisy texted saying she was coming to find us, and Kayla said they're going to a few more shops before they'll come back.

I looked through the bags of stuff for the boys, while Harry did that with the girls. Dax got a few hoodies, jeans, and t-shirts, he also got two pairs of Converse's. And Jaiden got basically the same stuff.

Once all of the kids met up with us, we got into our cars, and drove home. I started on dinner, while Harry set Floyd down for a nap and Ainsley took the little kids to the playroom.

"Can I help?" Daisy asked, standing nervously behind me while I got the stuff ready tor dinner.

"Just ask for what you want, it'll save us both time."

"Well, actually, I really just wanted to talk to you."

"Oh, okay. Sit, we still have to wait for the water to boil."

"Ok, well, when I went to the bathroom at the mall...I uh.." She stopped, taking a deep breath. "I think I started my period."

"Oh," i mumbled, "Wow, much earlier than your sisters. Okay, well, go ask Ainsley for some pads, or tampons if you want to try and we'll go out later for your own. I love you," I hugged her and she walked out, singing softly under her breath.

"Wow, our kids are growing up." Niall said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Time to have more?"

"Haha, Floyd is only five months. You have a baby."

"Okay, okay, sorry, let's make dinner." He kissed my cheek and we made some macaroni and cheese for everyone.

It's always a party- {Zianourry} (Mpreg) ✓Where stories live. Discover now