ultimate weapon

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we start to eat a meal prepared by grandpa Max

Max: well, what do you think?  Bet you never tasted anything like that before. 

(y/n): mmm. What's the crunchy stuff? 

Max: dung beetle. 

we then spit the food out

Max: what, too spicy? You'll get used to it.

an alarm goes off in the rustbucket. A screen comes down over the table and displays a image to Max

Ben: hey! 

Max: no. 

(y/n): grandpa, what is it? 

Max: the mask from apuk. It's the key to the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created. 

he then starts to drive to the Texas border

Max: The mask of apuk is the guide to the sword of echtua. The plumbers searched for it for decades without any luck. 

Ben: echtua? What kind of alien is that? 

Max: not alien. Mayan. Echtua was the mayan god of war. His sword was rumored to have leveled cities with just one swipe. 

Ben: ha! Sounds like just the kind of thing The world's most powerful 10 year old boy should have. 

Max: this is no toy, Benjamin. Whoever controls the sword controls the destiny of mankind, And i will not let it fall into the wrong hands. 


Max: Bet they're keeping it in the basement. Ben, go alien and sneak in. Then open the side door for us. sneak in? 

Ben: Don't you mean break in? 

Max: Ben, i haven't time to explain how important it is for us to get the mask. Now, can i count on you or not? 

Ben: you know you can, grandpa.

Ben: What's up with grandpa? He's so... Uh, intense. 

(y/n): cut him some slack, will ya? He's trying to save the world. 

Ben then turns into Grey matter and crawls into a pipe

Gwen: I know Ben can be a major doofus, but don't you think you were a little-- 

Max: now, you're just kids. I don't expect you to understand. 

Eventually he unlocks the basement door

Max: it's about time. 

I then pick him up and smell him

(y/n): why do you smell like dog slobber

Grey matter: I don't wanna talk about it

we then walk in the building

Gwen: Have you guys ever seen grandpa this serious? 

(y/n): no

Grey matter: I've never seen anyone this serious. 

Max turns and opens a door and walks over to a safe

Max: it has to be in here.

Grey matter: i'm on it. 

he then hops on a safe. A few seconds later it opens

Gwen: good job, Ben. 

we then look at the mask

Max: beautiful, isn't it?

Ben 10 x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now