they lurk below

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we were currently in a jet to visit an underwater hotel

Ben: now, this is cool. Picked up in a billionaire's private jet to check out his Brand-new hotel before anybody else. Now we're talking a summer vacation. Thanks. 

Max: i'd do anything for you guys. You know that, Ben. 

(y/n): how come you never told us before that you knew Donovan grand smith? 

Max: must have slipped my mind.

we then arrive at the hotel 

Donovan: Max Tennyson, it's been way too long. 

Max: how are you, Donovan? 

Donovan: well, with resorts worldwide, i'd say pretty good. Glad you finally decided to see how the better half lives. 

Max: these are my grandkids Ben, (y/n) and Gwen. 

Donovan: and this is my grandson Edwin. 

Ben, Gwen & (y/n): hi. 

Edwin: yeah. Whatever.

Donovan: ready to take the plunge? 

we then take an elevator down to raft slide which takes us to the resort

Max: you sure this was the safest place to build a resort like this? 

Donovan: you're talking underwater fault lines? 

Max: i'm talking more like you're smack dab in the middle of the bermuda triangle. 

Donovan: growing up, you always were the worrywart, max. Never the risk-taker. I give you the world's first and only underwater resort. You won't believe what's down here.

we then make it down to an aquarium

Donovan: the official grand opening's only a week away. Just a few special V.I.P.S like you are getting a sneak peek. Sure beat that old rusty bucket of bolts you sleep in, doesn't it, max?

Gwen: i read about your resort in "pacific monthly Oceania," Mr. Grand smith. Very cutting edge. Isn't the glass reinforced with-- 

Edwin: butt-kisser. 

Donovan: micro-titanium threads to withstand up to atmospheres. Nobody gets wet here unless it's in one of the pools. 

Max: very impressive, Donovan. 

Donovan: well, for 2 billion dollars, it ought to be. But, you know, money isn't everything. 

Edwin: we change the family motto, grandpa? 

Ben then sees Edwin has a sumo slammers pin

Ben: hey, i'm into sumo slammers, too. Where'd you score that pin? 

Edwin: sumo slammers slam-down v in Helsinki. We flew on my grandpa's private jet just to get it. 

Donovan: and Edwin says the pin's already tripled in value. Kid's got a head for business. Grooming him to take over the empire one day. Gotta keep it in the family. 

(y/n): me and Ben sort of been following in my grandpa's footsteps this summer, too. 

suddenly a power surge went off causing the water to recycle itself

(y/n): what happened? 

Donovan: a power surge must have caused the water to suddenly recycle itself. 

Gwen: will he be okay? 

Edwin: hmph. If the sharks don't get him first. 

Donovan: I can't have an employee turned into fish food right before the opening. The press will ruin me.

Ben 10 x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now