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A video game store in San Francisco has a long lineup of people. Of those waiting in the line are the Tennyson's

Gwen: Ugh, we've been in this line for two hours, and it hasn't budged an inch!

Ben: Small price to pay for "Sumo Slammer 2.1"! I'd do anything to get this game! Even be seen in public with you...

Gwen: Don't you already have this stupid video game?

Ben: Hello?! This is Sumo Slammer 2.1! You can change your fighter's color at any time during the match. Duh

(y/n): I just want the new pokemon game

Max: You know, there's a nice air-conditioned bookstore over there. Maybe we can wait inside until this line thins out a bit

Ben: And lose our place? Not an option! You two go. We'll get our games and meet you guys back at the RV

Max: Want us to pick up anything for you at the book store?

Ben: I'm on summer vacation. Why would I read anything?

(y/n): no thanks

Max and Gwen look at each other and leave


Some time later, they walk out of the book store and back up the road

Gwen: So, think Ben's gone stir-crazy in that line yet?

They suddenly hear a loud crash and some screams. People run out of the video game store, before Four arms comes crashing out of it. A police car quickly arrives, skidding too fast and stopping in front of Four Arms. Four Arms picks up the car and shakes the officers out of it

Gwen: Uh- why is Ben going berserk and tossing around police officers?

Ben: Good question

The officers run away, Four Arms throws the car at them. More officers have arrived and begun a stand-off with Four Arms. A news helicopter comes to capture it. Four Arms throws around a dumpster and a street pole. Gwen and Max barely dodge out of the dumpster's way

Gwen: H-He must have snapped his cap! All this for a video game? and where's (y/n)?

Ben: I don't believe it...

Two police cars come up behind Four Arms, but he throws a civilian's car at them, causing both to swerve out of control. On Max and Gwen's side, an armored vehicle slowly rolls up to the scene. Out of the driver's seat steps a tall man dressed in tactical gear, with a chiseled jaw, blonde crew cut, and scar across his face. He shows his badge to the head officer as other men in riot gear climb out

Lt. steel: Lieutenant Steel, special alien containment team. We'll take it from here. Concussion bazooka!

Two soldiers quickly assemble a large two-man-operated gun, one to power it and the other to hold the trigger. They carry it to the front to aim it at Four Arms

Max: That doesn't look good

Gwen builds some nerve and runs forward, past the soldiers and up to Four Arms

Gwen: BEN, what are you doing?

As he holds a car above his head, Four Arms gets excited to bring it down on he

Gwen: *gasp*

Lt. Steel nods to the soldiers, who fire the gun at Four Arms, knocking him back into a pizza shop

Ben 10 x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now