Ghostfreaked out

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In the park, a boy climbs a tree to retrieve his frisbee. He grabs it but because he's afraid of heights he is too scared to climb back down

boy: Help! I can't get down!

(y/n): Don't worry! We'll come up and get you

Ben: We?

(y/n): Hey, we're the ones with all those alien heroes at our fingertips

Ben transforms into Wildmutt

Gwen: Oh good thinking. Turn into the viscous drooling alien attack dog to rescue the scared kid out of the tree

Wildmutt grunts annoyed as he climbs up the tree but as Gwen predicted the boy grabs tightly to the branch because he is scared of wildmutt

Wildmutt: It's okay. I'm here to help get you down

boy: I don't want to get down

the kid turned his face towards Wildmutt and instead of having two eyes he had a huge purple eye with a blue pupil and black crack going along his face

???: I want out

soon the tree disintegrated and the kid disappeared. The branch had turned into a giant white hand and Wildmutt backed away from it

Wildmutt: stay back!

the bark of the tree transformed into Ghostfreak's face

Ghostfreak: you can't get away from me. Always the hero. What a waste of potential

WIldmutt jumped away from Ghostfreak and landed in his hand. Ghostfreak closed his hand trapping Wildmutt preventing him from escaping. Ghostfreak then held Wildmutt up to his face

Ghostfreak: you want to be helpful? get me out!

Ben then screams while waking up from his dream


Max: Ben. Ben! 

Gwen: earth to dweeb! 

Gwen then wacks him with her paper

Ben: huh?

Gwen: clean the wax out of your ears. 

Max: you okay, son?

Ben: oh, yeah. I guess i'm still just a little weirded out by that wildmutt nightmare. 

Gwen: well, what do you expect when you wolf down mega-enchurritos for a midnight snack?

Ben: You think you're so smart. 

he then takes her paper

Ben: Is that why you want to go to this stupid school? It's full of nothing but snobs and posers

Gwen: Bancroft Academy is one of the top schools in the country

Ben: Yeah, for snobs and posers

Gwen: Ben, I'm warning you. You'd better not do ANYTHING to embarrass me on the tour of the campus

Ben: Don't get your shorts in a twist. I'll be on my best behavior

Gwen: Oh, why doesn't that make me feel better?


Tiffany: and recently, bencroft academy was awarded the Prestigious solid gold main cup Trophy for top-rated prep school on the east coast. So you can see why we're very picky about who we admit. So many delude themselves into thinking they are bencroft material. It's so sad. 

Ben 10 x male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora