lucky Gwen

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The Tennyson's of are at a guided tour of a museum in New Orleans, Louisiana. While Ben is messing around with the masks on display, the guide talks

tour guide: ...And behind this impenetrable glass is the recently discovered, and only known existing copy of the "Archamada book of spells"

tour guide & Gwen: ..."It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the later sixteen hundreds"

tour guide: Maybe you should work here, dear

Ben: *whispers* Don't let "mummy-face" get to you, she's probably older than that spellbook

Ben imitates a mummy's pose and facial expression in their tomb, to Gwen's laugh. The lighthearted moment is broken when rumbling begins, with everyone in the room soon lifting to the ceiling, seemingly magically

Max: Something tells me this isn't on the tour

Through the skylight window, a puff of red smoke travels through the air and reaches the book of spells, materialising into Hex

Hex: The Archamada book of Spells... All of its power shall soon be mine!

Hex makes an incantation

Hex: "Fah-Cah-Me-Doof!"

with the second right-most glowing yellow, activating as he speaks. The class encasement around the book shatters, and the book levitates off the podium into his hands. me and Ben Twists the Omnitrix's to transform

 Ben: Now might be a good time to go... 

Hex uses his staff to end the rooms' occupants' levitation, dropping them to the floor

Ben: ...Hero! Oh!

me and Ben begins to fall, eyes fixated on the Omnitrix

Everyone screams as they're falling. me and Ben quickly transforms into XLR8 and Feedback, rushing down and manoeuvring a tapestry to act as a soft landing for the tour

Feedback: Everyone out!

Ben, (y/n), be careful. You don't know what tricks he's got up his sleeve

Feedback: right

XLR8: Dude. You want a book, try the library

Hex stands facing Ben, as his 2nd Charm activates. He holds up his staff and recites an incantation

Hex: "Bethi-Mordor-Natta"

this was causing flames to erupt from the staff, setting the tapestry alight, As XLR8 runs up walls to avoid the flames, shards of red crystals fire out from the staff, which also shoots a blinding light at Ben as he's in the midst of charging Hex, causing him to slip and crash into display cabinets. I then try to blast him but he created a barrier protecting himself. As multiple rubbish bins hit the back of Hex's head, distracting him from me and Ben

Gwen: Guess we got his attention...

Max: Kind of wish we hadn't

Hex's eyes widen, knocking Max and Gwen back with a telekinetic force. As he turns to deal with me and Ben, I snuck behind him and drained him of his energy then he's met with an onslaught of punches, with his centre charm being tossed across the room in the fray, soon later Hex is on the ground reeling from the attack

Max: Nice job!

Feedback: thanks

XLR8: Just doing what we need to do and keeping it low-key

XLR8 standing in front of cameras and a crowd cheering. Milking the attention of the crowd, to me and Gwen's dismay, as Hex gets carted away


Ben 10 x male readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें