Dr Animo and the Mutant Ray

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 Max, (y/n) and Gwen walk out of the Rust bucket, to a place that seems to be at a local swamp in Florida

Max: Ah! Looks like we beat the crowd. 

(y/n) Yeah. You sure we're in the right place, grandpa? 

Max: Tomorrow this place will be crawling with gator-fest fans. 

but when Gwen stepped out she stepped in a puddle.

Gwen: eww! 

(y/n) and Gwen walk around the RV to find fiddling with the with a screwdriver.

(y/n): What are you doing? 

Ben: who knows how many more alien hero dudes are inside this thing? I just have to figure out how it works. 

Gwen: you shouldn't mess around with that thing, Ben. You're just asking for trouble. 

Ben: just chill out. I know what i'm doing. 

Gwen: that'd be a first. 

Max: Gwen's right, Ben. I want you to promise me you'll take it easy on the Omnitrix. 

Ben: okay, grandpa. 

Max: now, don't stay up too late. Tomorrow's a big day. Good night. 

As usual, he won't listen and continues prying until he pulls the face-plate right off of the Omnitrix.

Ben: yes! 

although its face starts to rotate in different directions and electrical sparks fly out. 

Ben: Oh, no!

A blinding green light comes out of the Omnitrix. Ben sits on the floor after the flash. He looks at the top of the Omnitrix, and the shape appears to be twisted

Ben: Oh, man! I am gonna get so busted if anybody sees this.

 Max and Gwen head out of the RV 

Max: Ben?

Gwen: What was that?

Ben puts his hands behind his back

Ben: What was what?

Max: What was that noise?

Ben: Uh, lightning?

(y/n): There's not a cloud in the sky.

Ben: Uh, lightning got rid of them?

Gwen: he's up to something, grandpa. 

Ben: oh, you are so paranoid. She's just trying to get me into trouble. 

Max: okay, that's enough. Let's go, the three of you. Bedtime.

They then head inside the RV. However, the glowing green ground where the face-plate of the Omnitrix landed stars to react strangely and tentacles spawn out of the swampy soil.


The next day, Ben heads out of the RV. He looks back inside through the window and around the RV. He stretches the gum he was chewing and rings it around the Omnitrix face-plate, then replaces it to where it belongs

Ben: there, good as new. 

Gwen: what's good as new? 

Ben: I wish i could say your face, but it's the same old one. 

Gwen: think the Florida heat has fried your brain! 

(y/n): alright, calm down.

they walk behind the RV and see the festivities of Gator-fest set up.

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