Part 2 - His Anger

Start from the beginning

"What should I have told? That the girl whom you are going to marry, her sister did your mother's accident?" Mahima asked trying to save herself.

"You should have told me, this is the only thing I care about. And now you know that Akshu never did the accident so why was she blamed? Why was she blamed for something she never did?" Abhimanyu knew she wouldn't be able to answer. He noticed it, he knows that she doesn't like Akshu and whatever he did for her. Her not being able to do anything angered her and she couldn't say anything to him so she took out her anger on his Akshu.

But he wouldn't tolerate it.

"You have no answer because you planned it, didn't you? You wanted a fight between Akshu and me." Abhimanyu asked raising an eyebrow. He knew whatever he was saying is the truth.

Mahima's eyes widened and Abhimanyu's doubts were confirmed.

"See the way he talks to his family, his father for that Akshu." Harshvardhan Birla said angrily.

Abhimanyu clenched his fist and closed his eyes for a few minutes and opened them again.

"I won't tolerate a single tear in her eyes and it would be better if people understand it as soon as possible." Abhimanyu looked at Mahima and Harshvardhan Birla.

"I hope, this will not happen again and people will understand. Because if they don't, then I know how to make them." Abhimanyu glared at his father.

Saying this, Abhimanyu went away. He was still angry. No one has the right to say anything to his Akshu.

What does everyone think? They will come and say whatever the hell they want and he won't even say anything.

No one is given the right to disrespect her. She may hear anything against herself but he won't. One word and he will forget about everyone.

Abhimanyu went to check up on Akshu and saw her getting tensed.

"What happened?" Abhimanyu asked softly drawing her attention toward himself.

Looking at him Akshara stood up from her bed and came to hug him. Abhimanyu breathed a sigh of relief. He felt his anger fading away but his anger was replaced by worry, worry for her.

"Akshu," Abhimanyu whispered when she didn't leave him after a few minutes.

"I...I, you are not leaving me right?" Akshara asked timidly, her voice was barely audible.

Abhimanyu was shell-shocked.

What is she thinking? Leaving? Her?

Abhimanyu couldn't think about it even in his dream. Akshara panicked when she didn't hear an instant reply.

"Akshu, what are you even thinking? How can I leave you? I wouldn't think about it even in my dreams. How does this thought even come to your mind?" He asked softly cupping her cheeks and making her look in his eyes.

"Get that thought out of your mind. I will never think about it and I advise you to don't think about it too." Abhimanyu said kissing her forehead and wiping her tears.

"Akshu you are not an option, you are my priority. You matter to me and I wouldn't think about this ever. Okay, you tell me would you leave me?" Abhimanyu asked tucking a hair behind her ear.

"No! Why would I leave you?" Came Akshara's instant reply looking at him in disbelief.

"If you can't think about leaving me then how do you expect me to leave you? Don't worry I'm here to irritate you and make you blush always. I'm not leaving you so soon." Abhimanyu teased kissing her cheek causing her to blush profusely.

"Where were you?" Akshara asked after some time.

"Nowhere. Just to talk." Abhimanyu replied in a monotone.

"When did you wake up?" Abhimanyu asked brushing his hand over her lower lip.

"Just a few minutes ago. I was so panicked not seeing you here." Akshara complained playing with his shirt's button.

"Don't worry, after tomorrow you will see me every day when you wake up." Abhimanyu teased her.

Akshara glared at him while he smirked at her, seeing her blushing.

"Abhi!" Akshara chided scowling at him.

"Akshu!" He replied in the same tone teasing her further.

She pushed him slightly and looked away from him.

"Okay...I " Before Abhimanyu could complete, Akshara picked up a nearby pillow and threw it at him.

Abhimanyu was surprised but then picked up the same pillow and threw it at her.
This is how a pillow fight was started between them. They laughed, and run around the bed, teasing each other trying to dodge the pillow while aiming to throw it at other.

After they were exhausted they lay next to each other breathing heavily. Akshara smiled and entwined her hand with him.
Abhimanyu smiled kissing their entwined hands.

"I wish to spend my life with you like this always, laughing, teasing, celebrating," Abhimanyu said looking at her intensely as if promising through his eyes.

"I will be there for you always," Abhimanyu said but before Akshara could mutter anything he kept a finger on his lips shushing her.

"I know," Abhimanyu said softly, hugging her. She doesn't need to express herself. He knows she loves him and that's enough for him. He just wanted to say this because he wanted her to blow all the doubts about him leaving her.

"Sometimes words are not enough to express how much you love a person."

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