Ch 11. USJ

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything(Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)

Parental Designations

Toshinori(All Might): Dad

Yoichi(First): Papa

Mirai(Nighteye): Pops

Aizawa(Eraserhead): Father

Hizashi(Present Mic): To Be Decided

Romantic Nicknames

Katsumi(Second): Flower (To Izuku) To Be Decided (To Katsumi)

Sokka(Third): To Be Decided

Hikage(Fourth): To Be Decided (To Izuku) Hicchan (To Hikage)

Daigorou(Fifth): Little Soul (To Izuku) and Banjo-Kun (To Daigorou)

En(Sixth): Love (To Izuku) and To Be Decided (To En)

Hitoshi: To Be Decided


"Want to explain why you continued on, even after you realized you'd gone over your Quirk usage limit?" Yoichi asked, giving Izuku a hard look.

The First user looked every ounce the parent he now was, making it extremely hard for Izuku not to squirm under the gaze. His other Soulmates and Nana weren't helping either, much to his annoyance.

"Sorry, Papa." Izuku mumbled just loud enough to be heard." I just got...carried away and I didn't want to lose."

Yoichi sighed, shooting Katsumi a look. The Second user walked over to Izuku, catching his attention. Katsumi's red eyes were narrowed, a thoughtful frown spread across his face as he stared Izuku down.

"Winning isn't everything." Katsumi stated eventually." Your health should always take precedence over a training exorcise. We care about you, we don't need to be constantly worrying about how far your willing to push yourself."

Izuku stared at the Second user, processing what they had just said. Katsumi had just admitted he cared about Izuku, did that mean he was close to gaining the other's trust as well? He glanced over to his other Soulmates, each of them looking as if they agreed with the Second user.

"Alright, I will not push myself as hard next time." Izuku said with a sigh." If I feel tired after using a Quirk, then I will take a break or stop the exercise, I promise."

Katsumi gave him a nod, accepting the promise.

"Now, would you like to spend some time with us tonight, or would you prefer to just have a normal sleep?" Yoichi asked with a warm smile.

"I think I want to spend time with you all, if that's alright." Izuku decided with a smile of his own, it was nice to spend time with his Soulmates and Nana. They always had the most interesting stories to tell, as well as information on Quirks Izuku had never heard of before.


Izuku woke up well rested and satisfied, he had spent the night just talking and laughing with his Soulmate's and Nana. A small smile escaped as he once again marveled at the fact he now had people who cared about him.

'Of course we care about you, even if we weren't Soulmate we would still care.' Hikage said into his mind, making Izuku blush a little. He wasn't used to compliments, even after a year.

'Thanks, Hicchan.' Izuku replied gratefully, grinning at the fond emotions that flowed through One For All.

As Izuku made his way to the school and then his class he could barely keep his excitement in, when he had checked his calendar it said there was going to be Rescue training at the USJ. While he wasn't particularly interested in pursuing that type of Heroics, he still loved the idea of getting people out of sticky situations.

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