Ch 4. One For All

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Izuku stared at his Soul-Parent and mentor in disbelief, currently they were at the same beach that Izuku had finished clearing. Toshinori holding out a strand of his golden hair towards him, having just said that he would need to eat it of all things.

"I hope you realize how unsanitary this is, you know how many germs are in hair?!" Izuku exclaimed in disgust, but Toshinori just held it out even closer.

Izuku took the hair hesitantly before wrapping it around his finger and pulling his water bottle out, if this transfer needed you to consume DNA then why didn't Toshinori just put a bit of blood into his breakfast. Swallowing the hair, Izuku rinsed it down with water. The scratchy feel of the hair sliding down his throat almost triggering his gag reflex.

"I hate you, you know." Izuku muttered even though it was obviously a lie. Toshinori just rolled his eyes in amusement.

"I love you too, My Boy." Toshinori responded earning a glare from Izuku." Now it should take a couple hours for it to kick in, so until then I suppose you can relax a bit, alright?"

Izuku nodded accepting that, in just a couple hours he would have Quirk. Excitement filled his entire body at the thought. A ding revealed Izuku had gotten a text, looking down at his phone he blinked noting it was from Shinsou.

Shinsou: Hey, Izuku...I was wondering if you wanted to come over? You wouldn't believe who gain temporary custody over me!

Izuku: Sure, sounds fun! Who's fostering you?

Shinsou: Not telling it's a surprise! Now get over here, this is the location.

Shinsou: [Attachment]

Izuku hummed to himself before turning towards Toshinori who was sitting on a tree stump eating one of the sandwiches he had brought for lunch. With a grin he skipped over to the hero, gaining Toshinori's attention.

"Dad, can I go see Shinsou?" Izuku asked pleadingly." Apparently they found a foster home for him really quickly, he sounded really excited."

Toshinori blinked before nodding and standing up.

"Sure thing, I'll drive you." Toshinori offered and Izuku beamed happily at his Soul-Parent, excited to see what got Shinsou so excited.


Once they arrived at the address Toshinori said goodbye and that he would pick Izuku up once he was done. With a nervous smile he walked up to the door and knocked, for a moment nothing happened before the door swung open revealing Shinsou. The purple haired teen looking ten times happier then he had yesterday when Izuku met him.

"Shinsou, why were you so exci-" Izuku was caught of guard when the other teen grabbed his hand dragged him inside.

"Come on, I managed to get them to wait in the living room!" Shinsou hissed out excitedly, his entire face shining like the sun. It made Izuku's heart skip a beat, but he didn't trust his voice at the moment.

Once Izuku entered the living room, he realized exactly why Shinsou was so excited. Standing in the middle of the room was Eraserhead and Present Mic. Shinsou was being fostered by two heroes, Izuku gaped in complete shock having not expected this.

"Oh my, God." Izuku whispered turning to stare at Shinsou, the other teen grinning widely at his expression of disbelief.

Eraserhead huffed clearly unamused by this entire situation, but Present Mic seemed curious and even excited to meet Shinsou's friend. Izuku swallowed, Eraserhead and Present Mic were tied as his second favorite Heroes.

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