Ch 8. The Exam And Being Scolded

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show)


Izuku was nervous as he stared at the imposing gates of UA.

He swallowed as he tried to listen to the reassuring sounds of his inner Soulmates, it was nice always being so close to them. He had told Hitoshi about them this morning, thankfully the lavender haired boy had taken it well. Though Hitoshi had been saddened by the fact there was no way for him to meet them.

'Oh, Izu-chan, you'll do fine.' Nana murmured softly as he, Hitoshi, and Kacchan walked toward the exam area.' Just remember not to use all of One For All at once.'

'Easier said then done, Grandma Nana.' Izuku replied wincing.' My body instinctively reacts, sometimes I can't control it.'

Izuku spotted Present Mic standing on a stage overlooking the exam takers. It really drove home the fact he was potentially going to get taught by real Pro Heroes, merely a year ago he wouldn't have imagined that.

"Oi, Deku." Kacchan called out, dragging Izuku out of his thoughts." Pay attention, you'll want to remember as much of the rules as possible."

"Sorry, Kacchan." Izuku apologized, earning an eye roll from Kacchan before the aggressive blonde turned back to the voice Hero in front of them.

Izuku glanced over to Hitoshi who was nervous, clearly about the announcement that they would be fight robots. Izuku winced in sympathy knowing that Hitoshi didn't have a good Quirk for physical tests, this meant he would have to work with Rescue points. Something Toshinori had told them about, against the rules.

To be honest Izuku had almost panicked when Toshinori stated he wasn't supposed to tell, but Izuku was thankful nonetheless. Hitoshi was also relieved knowing he could focus on helping others while the flashier Heroes took on the robots.

'Hey um...would you be alright if I use Blackwhip for the Exam?' Izuku asked Daigorou.' I just think I need to train with the power stockpiling Quirk more before using it.'

'Of course, Little Soul.' Daigorou said giving the impression he was grinning. Izuku rolled his eyes, knowing the Fifth user was giving the others a smug look.

'Now Dai-kun, play nice with my other Soulmates.' Izuku chastised in amusement. Present Mic then finished his speech, directing them to the exam arena.

"Ready guys?" Izuku asked giving Kacchan and Hitoshi a smirk, the two responded with ones of their own. Present Mic yelled start, and three were off like the wind.

As Izuku summoned Blackwhip, picking up robots and bashing them against one another he noted that Hitoshi was having a bit of trouble.

He managed to the tear on of the sword like appendages of a robot and throw it to his living Soulmate, Hitoshi giving him a thankful look as he used his new found weapon to destroy the robots he could.

Izuku avoided Kacchan for the most part, knowing his friend wasn't in any danger of failing the exam. Instead he focused on helping Hitoshi by pointing out people who got hurt, trapped, or were scared. He had a feeling helping Hitoshi was gonna get him his own rescue points, but regardless he would have done it whether that was the case or not.

The minutes ticked on and before Izuku knew it Present Mic announced that there was two minutes left. The minimum amount of points to pass was fifty, the max amount you could gain was around two hundred. Izuku had lost count after fifty, not really seeing the point in keeping track.

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