Chapter 24 (Date)

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"That jerk is late" I mumbled standing outside of the coffee shop.
"Oh look who we have here~" I turned behind it was none other than Fang.

"You're late." I stated and he chuckled.
"Not my fault that you came too early but I don't blame you, I know you were way too excited to go on a date with me." He said and smirked.

Is he for real-

"You're wasting my precious time. Now, lets go inside." He said and gently dragged me inside.

As soon as we entered the waiter greeted us.

"Oh what a lovely couple we have here~" He cooed.
"We aren't-" I was cut off when Fang suddenly side hugged me.

"Thank you so much" He replied with a smile.

"Come with me please, I'll show you your table" He said and we followed him.
"Here~ please take your seat" We both quickly took our seat.
"Please press the bell when you want to order" He said and left.

"So, what do you wanna eat?" He asked looking at the menu.


"I can't decide everything looks good." I replied.
"Lets get a drink first. How about this?" He pointed at the Love Red Velvet Shake.

(You got me feeling like a psycho psycho~)

"Thats only for couples." I stated.
"I know you like me so much and you're probably dying to drink this so I am ordering it." He replied.

"I didn't even sai-" I was again cut off when he pressed the bell.

After few seconds the waiter arrived.
"We would like to order 2 Love Red Velvet Shake and 4 carrotcake donuts." The waiter nodded and left.

After few minutes the waiter arrived with the drinks in his hand. He placed one infront of me and the other one infront of Fang.

"Thank you so much." We both thanked the waiter.
"Hope you'll enjoy your date." The waiter smiled.
"We will." Fang replied and waiter left.

Why is he behaving like this?

I took a sip from my drink.
It was indeed delicious but to be honest it was way too thick as if they blended the entire red velvet cake with a small cup of water.

"So ahemm." I fake coughed to catch his attention.
"What next?" I asked.
"Lets order some food, shall we?" He replied and I nodded.

I am hungry.

He again pressed the bell this time waiter came like in just 2 seconds.

Did he stole Ying's power watch?

"Would you like to order something?" He asked.
"Yea, I want pasta and chicken nuggets" I replied.
"I'll take the same with some fries." Fang replied.
He quickly wrote down our orders and left.

After few minutes he came back with the food. He quickly placed the food on the table.
"Please enjoy" He said and left.

"It looks so good" I said and started digging in.
"Not more than me tho." Fang replied making me chuckle.

We both were quietly eating our food. Fang's cheeks were puffed he actually looked cute.

"I know I am very handsome but can you please stop staring at me." He said and I quickly looked away.
And Istg- I heard a little chuckle.


"So what next?" I asked Fang.
We both were walking aimlessly.
"You wanna go to the Amusement park?" He asked and I nodded excitedly.

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