Part 1 I am dead??

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Hello everyone...

A new story first of all it's complete I will update it regularly it's a story I read years ago I really wanted to give it an arshi touch it's already written editing and proofreading left ...
As I publish it till then i will complete my other stories .....

Enjoy reading

Hope you all like this magical adventure 🙂🙂🙂

Hope you all like this magical adventure 🙂🙂🙂

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A long time ago, crazy long time ago.... they believed there were chosen ones that were able to see beyond the normal realm. They could enter the realm of the other world. It was believed that they themselves were able to communicate with the dead. They were hired by many, most whom had just lost loved ones, to contact, to connect, to see if they were finally at rest. For a long time, they were respected, treated as God's children's. Until one day everything changed, people began to doubt, doubt their powers, doubted that they were cheaters, cheating them of their money, they went from God's children's, to the devil's helpers. They were banished, and ignored, before long they disappeared from the face of history, except for one man, one man had wrote one statement, one statement before he to disappeared, 3 words.

"We are mediators."

Chapter one: Where it began

3 year old Khushi Gupta sat on the big pink chair her favourite one, her little legs swung back and fourth off the ground, her little pink dress flared around her, her short black curls crowned her head and her emerald eyes looked at her father , her brother Aaron. Her mother was lying on the bed. She was young, yes, but some how; she knew that her mother wouldn't be there to wake her up in the morning anymore.

It was so quiet, so eerie; the ringing silence was a buzz in her ears. She heard distant voices she recognized to be her father's and brother's. They were sobbing, crying.

"Khushi, my baby." A gentle voice said from beside her. Khushi turned around, and found her mother sitting next to her, playing with her little curls, the same emerald eyes looking down on her own.

"Mumma?" little Khushi asked cutely, her little lips pouting. Shikha gave the usual twinkling laugh.

"Yes my baby?"


Mumma, why are you here, but then you're over there, and bhaiyya and Baba are over there, and you're here?"

Khushi asked the only way a 3 year old could. Shikha gave a sad laugh,

"My little Doll, you'll grow up soon, into a beautiful young woman. And mumma will watch you all the way, ok?" Shikha said softly to her one and only daughter. Khushi nodded happily, hugging her mother tightly.

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