"I got a little carried away" you smile. "But look at this cake" you smile excited.

"How are you?" She asks.

"I'm perfect.."

"You sure?"

"For the first time in a while.. I'm one hundred percent sure" you assure her. It feels unbelievable saying that and truly mean it.

Just twenty minutes later all these guests arrive, you never thought you and the avengers could live this normally after everything you've been through. But it seems as though nothing is impossible now. You're all here, and you're happy at the same time. Clint and his family, Tony, pepper and the kids. Wanda, Vision and the twins. Bucky and Sara finally started dating, and it seems as though Sam has finally accepted it. Strange finally got his shit together and asked Christine to marry him. Bruce is well.. he's Bruce but he's finally accepting who he is. Thor and Jane is still complicated, but he loves his new title as uncle, he adores playing with his niece and nephew. And Natasha.. well she's satisfied being the single drunk aunt. You're not convinced, but you're sure one day she'll open up, find someone to settle down with.

You spend all day with everyone you love. Singing birthday songs, playing games, opening presents. You talk for hours on end, until the kids fall asleep watching a movie.

"Well someone outdid themselves" Tony smirks.

"Being extra does run in the family" you tease

"I'm really glad you got what you always dreamed off"

"It took one hell of a fight, but it was worth it" you say, as you look over to Loki who's chatting with everyone. "He's the reason I'm here today"

"He's a good guy, I'm happy it was him" Tony admits.

A giant smile grows on your lips. "Did you just compliment Loki?"

"Say it to anyone and I'll deny it" tony says quickly.

You nod your head, still not able to wipe the smile of your face. "Don't worry, everyone already knows you love him" you tease.

"I'm proud of you kid" Tony says softly.

"I'm proud of me too" you smile.

Tony ruffles up your hair as he continues to eat his fourth portion of cake.

You take a moment for yourself sitting by the lake in your garden. As you look out over the water. Thinking of the people you wish could have been here. But as Steve told you, they are here, watching over your every move. And it brings you comfort knowing they're some place good.

"Hey you"

You turn your head seeing Bucky stand behind you. "Hey you" you smile.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks.

You move over, making room for him beside you. "You look happy"

"So do you" he chuckles.

"Unbelievable right?"

"Nah I knew it would work out in the end" Bucky says, playfully hitting your shoulder with his.

"Okay mister bright side, what did you do to bucky?" You tease.

"Fine I had my doubts, but I always knew you'd get here someday.. and look at you now" he says proudly.

"Look at me now" you repeat.

"Im really glad you're happy y/n" he says with a hint of sadness.

"So am I."

"We're gonna head home, but perhaps we could get a coffee someday?" He questions hesitantly.

"I'd love that" you say with a big smile on your lips.

"I'll call you" Bucky says as he slowly gets up, walking away.

"Hey buck" you call out, looking after him. He stops turning around. "I'm proud of you"

"Thanks" he grins.. "don't do anything stupid till I see you again okay?" He smirks.

"How could I?" You say softly. "You're taking all the stupid with you"

A big smile appears on his lips as he walks away.

You stay seated by the lake, saying goodbye to everyone. And although you know you're gonna see them again, it just feels like it's the end of something.

"Min elskede?" Lokis soft voice echoes over the empty lake.

"Yes darling" you smile softly.

"Let's go to bed"

Loki reaches out his hand to you, as you follow him inside, tugging the children into bed. Singing them the very same lullaby you've sung to them every night since they were born. Then you kiss them on the forehead, following Loki into bed, cuddling up next to him. Allowing you guards to crumble down. Feel the pain, the pleasure, the sadness and happiness. Everything that comes along with living life. Embracing every aspect of the life you have.

"Why are you sad?" Loki asks softly.

You turn to look at him. "I don't know" you admit. "It feels like the end of something"

He slowly wiped away the tears rolling down your cheek, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear. "It is Min elskede.. it's the end of a life as we know it.." Loki explains. "But it's the beginning of something even more beautiful, it's the beginning of the most average normal life you're ever going to experience, we'll bore each other to death, but we'll love each other for it.. you'll drive me crazy with your extraordinary mind, and I'll piss you off with my snarky comments that you secretly laugh about in your head when you think I'm not listening. we're going to explore everything together, and I'll always look back at that moment I knew I loved you.. and forever look forward to falling in love with you all over again.. One thing I know for sure is.. that I would fall in love with you in every timeline, even if it takes me a thousand years, somehow I was destined to fall into love with you."

"I love you Loki Stark Laufeyson" you chuckle as you kiss him.

"Not as much as I love you y/n Maria Stark laufeyson" Loki whispers into the kiss.

That's when you know, this has been everything your life has lead up to. Back when worlds collided, when you risked everything falling in love with the one person you shouldn't have. And you accepted every flaw and perfect imperfections you saw in each other. You knew that no matter what happens in the future, you'll fight it, you'll find a way back to each other. That's what soulmates do, and will continue to do as long as there is life on earth. And here you are, looking deep into each other's eyes, knowing you'll love each other for infinity.

Knowing that Loki is you Infinity.

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