Giving up - chapter 39 ४

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You woke up to a strange sensation in your body. Normally your body was heavy and sore. Today it was numb... It was so loud in your head, yet there's a deadly silence in your room. You can still hear his voice inside your head.



The man voice blurs out


You still don't react.



"солдат ответь мне!!"

"What do you want from me?" You murmur.

"отчет миссии!"

"I failed.."

He slaps you.

"попробуй снова"

The door shuts behind you, but he didn't lock it. They always lock there door.. unless someone is coming. You slowly sit up waiting for the door to once again shut open. Meanwhile you just stare into the darkness. You had been counting the days since you first came here. If you didn't you would forget.. forget this isn't your home..

"You look dreadful.. not sleeping much are we?" Zemo chuckles. His voice haunted your nightmares.

"Where am I needed?" you ask coldly, your voice isn't your own anymore.

"Since your first attempt failed poorly.. we have to take more drastic matters into consideration.. infiltrating the compound" he says sitting down next to you, gently pushing the strand of hair behind your ear. "Such a shame really"

"What is sir?"

"You have so much potential, yet you care so deeply.. it's holding you back y/n"

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be.. I can help. if you allow me"

His hand moves to your jaw moving your head so you face him.

"Help what?"

"Help make the pain go away" he gently whispers. A single tear drops, falling down your cheek. with his left thumb he gently dries it away. "Don't cry sweetheart, your feelings are getting the worst of you. Without them.. There's not a thing you can't do"

You look up at him with tears in your eyes.. everything hurts, it hurts so much. You just want it to stop.

"Do it" you murmur, beneath your breath.

"Good girl" Zemo smirks darkly, before two guards come in, they're about to take you away but he stops them. "I think she's more than capable of walking, aren't you?"

"Yea sir" you say coldly as you follow behind the guards.

You walk through the empty hallways, watching as young teenagers just like you.. like Wanda, try anything just to feel something, to belong somewhere.. They never stopped the experiments, they just got better at hiding it.

"Sit down y/n" Zemo demands.

"Will it hurt?" You ask hesitantly

"A little at first, then never again."

"Will I know my name" you cry.

"No.." he says coldly.. "we'll find you a new one"

You hesitate for a moment before letting your body fall down onto the chair. As your head rests against the cold metal, you give up. 21 days 7 hours and 35 minutes. That's how long you've been here. You give up. Give up on being found.

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