Remember to forget - chapter 29 ४

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It's been 2 weeks since you beat Thanos and his army. And you still hadn't woken up. You are being monitored every hour. Banners diagnose was that you're body went into a coma after a chemical imbalance in your brains nerve cells. Banner has tried everything possible.. but it seemed like nothing would work.

"Is there any news" Nat spoke.. she had been up all night watching over you..

"I can't find anything... it's a dead end" Bruce explains.

"Then we try something different, she has a heartbeat therefore she's not dead" Tony hisses. Besides Loki he was probably the one spending most of his time watching over you, meaning he wouldn't sleep.

"Tony we have literally tried everything, the stones are to much for a human body!" Bruce tries to te explain.

"And I refuse to accept that"

"Don't worry tony she's gonna wake up" Nat calms him down.

2 months later

The room was silent, Deadly silent.. Loki, Steve, Natasha and Tony were sitting in your room. Your body was wired up to ten different machines keeping you alive.. without them you would have been gone weeks ago.

Loki is walking around in circles... your mind is empty, there was no sign of life left in you except the regular heartbeat shown on the monitor.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet! They've been lying there for months on end" Loki screams... his tired voice cracking as he speaks. He looks around the room, but everyone keeps they're head low. " why have we given up on her, there must be something we can do"

"We have tried everything Loki.. i want them back as much as you do" Steve says calmly as he looks over at you.

"Since when have you tried anything, this is the first time you've come to see her" Tony spits out, he's been living in the chair beside you ever since.

"You know that's not true, I just don't think this I what she would have wanted" Steve claims as he breathes heavily.

"Right so we just give up" Loki yells.

"That's not what I'm saying.. but let's give her peace"

"You should have let me taken her back to new Asgard for help" Loki cries out, as he storms out of your room.

"Great you've made reindeer games upset.. well done Rogers" Tony sighs...  he's rocking back and forth in the chair. "This is absolute bullshit" Tony screams as he pushes over a chair. Natasha walks towards him trying to calm him down. "You know what cap.. I'm done"

"Tony sit down please" Natasha says firmly.

Tony ignores her as he walks towards Steve. "If you love them so much then try harder" he says

"Tony I am trying"

"Really? To me it's seems like this I could do this all day thing is all talk to you" he claims. As he slams his fist against the wall making Steve flinch.

"They're gone Tony" Steve says with tears in his eyes..

"See you don't get to make that call! Cause you know what captain" Tony yells, as he takes off his arc reactor, placing it in Steve's hand. "Unlike you I can do this all day, because I can't live in a world where she isn't here" Tony cries out. He crumbles down to the ground.

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