*heaven in hiding - chapter 26 ४ *

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A/n: just a small note there will be smut in this part. And I've never written it before so.. look for the *  in the chapter if you want to skip it.

You, Bruce and Tony were working day and night trying to recreate a gauntlet for the stones. It was now day 3 of trying... yet every time you were close to a breakthrough one of the stones rejected the system, and it was back to square one.. your mind was flooded, you really needed some sleep. Loki hadn't come out from his room since the outbreak with Steve. And why would he, everyone around here hated him, expect for Natasha she tolerated him in moderation..

Your eyes slowly begins closing on their own..

"Alright kid, I'm sending you off to bed" Tony says, as he snaps his fingers in front of you, your eyes shut open.

"Alright, but please let me know if you work something out" you mumble through a yawn.. you grab you things and heads down the dark corridor towards your room. It was completely dark outside. Being in the lab with Tony is dangerous, that man doesn't sleep, and there's no windows down there so time ceases to exist. As you walk slowly down the hallway you decide to take a turn. Tony wouldn't find out, he was too busy in the lab.

You stand just outside Loki's room for a couple of minutes, his mind was a mess. You couldn't pick up on anything specific it was all overlapping. You gently knock on the door.. your body is almost crumbling down, you are completely drained of energy... The wait outside the hallway felt like forever.. but suddenly the door slowly opens up. Loki looks deadly pale, but that's what happened when you lock yourself in a room for 3 days.

"I know it's late but can I come in?" you ask kindly, as another yawn escapes your mouth.

He moves aside as he gestures with his hand for you to come in.. his room was a mess.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to help you adjust" you apologise. "Thor is coming tomorrow, he's really excited to see you" you say, you hoped that it might cheer him up, yet there's no reaction from him.. he is awfully quiet, Loki was never quiet... unless something is wrong.. you try one more time to pick up any signs of what might be troubling him. But there's nothing.

"Sleep y/n" he finally speaks up.

"I don't want to" you sighs, as you throw yourself onto his bed.

"What's troubling you my dear?" He asks gently as he lays down beside you, he strokes your chin with his thumb in a comforting manner.

"I could ask you the same thing"

"Well I did in fact ask you first, so tell me what bothers your magnificent mind?" Loki asks once again. You change position to your side, that way you can face him.

"It's nothing really... I'm just thinking about how we're gonna bring everyone back" you explain. You reach up and plays with his hair, as you twist his pitch black hair around your finger. "Your turn" you demand

"It truly doesn't matter.. it's nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about" he smiles... but it's hiding something, just under the surface.

"But I want to"

He lets his facade crumble as he pulls you into his arms. You snuggle up next to him.

"I am truly sorry for ruining your life here, I should never have come back with you" his voice is shaky.

"Don't say that..." you mutter.. "I need you here" you add. His eyes connects with yours.

"I'm not a good person y/n, I'll hurt you" he says.. the way he said it was quite unsettling.

"You can't hurt me" you say calmly, partly because you're trying to convince yourself he wouldn't.

When worlds collide - Loki X readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant