"Go ahead, baby." Fiona encourages Cam.

Cam finally releases his stream, still flustered by embarrassment.

"Are you done, little one?" Fiona asks Cam after he stops his flow.

Cam nods.

She stands him up on his feet. She grabs some toilet paper, going to wipe down Cam's parts, crouching down.

Cam swats her hand away "NO, don't touch me.", covering himself with his hands

"Cam, move your hands away. You are still dirty. Don't make me angry." Fiona looks down, straight into Cam's eyes. Cam is still smaller even when she is crouching.

Cam moved his hands away, frightened by Fiona's stern voice.

Fiona wipes down Cam. She notices Cam seem uncomfortable when the toilet paper touches his skin.

"Is it too rough, baby?" Fiona asks.

"Uh huh, not good." Cam replies.

"I should keep baby wipes with myself." Fiona murmurs to herself.

She puts on Cam's underwear and pants and they come out of the toilet stall.

She first washes Cam's hands and then herself.

Finally, they meet Emma at their lunch table.


They are in the middle of another class when the principal of the school enters the classroom.

"Cam, come to my room. Your grandparents are here to talk to you. Emma and Fiona, you too." Mr. Anderson, the principal, says and leaves the room.

The trio leaves the room and go to the principal's room. Outside the room, they meet Adrian and Chloe.

Cam runs into Chloe's side as soon as he spots them.

"What happened Grammy? Are we going out somewhere?" Cam asks, beaming with happiness, thinking about going out somewhere.

Chloe crouches down at Cam's level and runs her fingers through his hair.

"Actually, baby, one of my friends is in critical condition in the hospital. So, we have to go there."

"Okay, we can go."

"No, baby, WE have to go. You can't come with us. You can stay with Emma or your new friend Fiona. Or you can stay at the house with a babysitter. I'm sorry baby." Chloe explains the situation to Cam.

"Grammy, Grandpa you can go. We can take care of Cam." Emma says to the old couple.

Meanwhile Cam already has tears in his eyes. He wants to go to. Further, he has never stayed without his grandparents. Only sleepovers at Emma's.

So, he starts crying, burying his face in his Grammy's chest, clutching her shirt in his tiny hands.

"It's okay baby, it's okay. Just two weeks. Then back to normal." Adrian consoles him, rubbing his back.

Chloe picks him up and hugs him tightly. She herself doesn't want to leave Cam alone. But she can't help it. They have to go.

Chloe then forcefully passes him to Fiona. She kisses him on the forehead and says her goodbye.

Adrian also kisses on his head and they leave the school. It seems mean to leave Cam at the school and not home, but they know Cam would've never let them go then.

Fiona puts Cam's head on her shoulder, rubbing circles on his back. Cam's still screaming.

She starts patting his butt which seems to do the trick. Cam comes down to sniffles and finally calms down after some time.

She shifts Cam into a different position, so that Cam is sitting on her arm.

"You okay, baby?" Cam nods and yawns. The whole crying tired him out.

Fiona passes Cam to Emma and brings out his sports bottle.

She brings the bottle to Cam's lips and Cam starts sucking.

After few suckles, Cam grabs the bottle with his two hands and starts drinking.

"I still can't get how you calm him down so quickly." Emma says to Fiona.

Fiona just laughs.

"Cam, baby do you want to go to the ice-cream parlor?" Fiona asks to lighten up the little boy's mood.

Cam nods excitedly. He loves ice-cream.

They make their way to their cars, parked next to each other.

"I wanna go wif Fiwona." Cam says with his bottle still in his mouth.

"But I don't have a car seat in my car, sweetheart." Emma tries to reason with Cam.

"NO, go wif you." Cam shouts, tears already pooling in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, go with her." Emma passes him to Fiona.

"Just keep him in your lap. I don't want to make him cry again." Emma says and goes inside her car. She can't see him crying so much. She loves him too much.

Fiona climbs onto her car, keeping Cam in her lap. She fastened her seatbelt with Cam.

They make their short trip to the ice-cream parlor.

Cam takes a chocolate ice-cream; Fiona vanilla and Emma takes a coffee one.

They sit in a booth, Cam in the middle as usual.

"Cam, you ready to stay with me two weeks?" Emma asks as she knows Cam won't cry now, not until there is ice-cream.

"Emma, can I keep him please?" Fiona pleads. Even though she has known Cam for a very short time, she loves him with all her heart. Not romantic love, but a kind of love even Fiona can't explain.

"Fiona, I know you're good with him, but he is a tough kid. He needs attention and care every time. And he can overwhelm you." Emma smiles sadly.

"I can handle it. I won't have any problems. And if I have any problems, I can drop him off at yours." Emma proposes the deal.

"Okay, that works with me. My parents won't have any problem with that either." Emma agrees.

"So, Cam, do you want to go to my house?" Fiona asks Cam, who is oblivious to the whole situation, focusing only at his ice-cream.

"Okay." Cam agrees. He does want to go to Fiona's house. She's her second friend after all.

Fiona sees Cam's face covered with chocolate ice-cream. She grabs a napkin and wipes his face and his hands, while he keeps wiggling.

They leave the parlor and Emma leaves with her car, saying goodbye.

Fiona and Cam also leave to go to Fiona's house, not knowing what future has for them.

AN: So, another chapter. Comment down if you liked it

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