Part 13: Reed & Roy: Awakening

Start from the beginning

*Time resume* 

Yomi: They have everything they're hearts desire but still they are weak. (Look, I dunno what she's sayin) As if they don't see how privileged they are as if they're entitled to such largess. Stuck up rich kids make me sick to my stomach. We'll teach them a lesson, won't we?

Haruka: Hah, once they become our puppets we can train them however we like. It really is a shame that I can't do anything to them.

*In another section of the school*

Homura: First things first, we need to find out where the good ninja are training.

??? 1: Why would they intentionally put a Shinobi training center in the middle of a college prep school? This is gonna be a big pain in the butt.

Homura: I suppose it makes sense. Hide a tree in a forest, hide a student in a school. But now that you mention it, they sure seem to like doing everything in a roundabout way.

??? 1: Well, I couldn't care less about how they do things, as long as we're able to outsmart those goody goodies.

*In a distant place*

??? 2: The girls have successfully infiltrated Hanzō Academy.

??? 3: They are Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy's finest. The infiltration should be easy for them. The only question is...

??? 2: Yes, their hidden training centers. As well as the super secret ninja scroll that lie within it.

??? 3: Are you absolutely certain that's where the scroll can be found?

??? 2: There can be no mistake.

??? 3: It is not that I doubt you, in fact it's because this intel came from you I feel assured.

??? 2: Thank you.

??? 3: However, the existence of the evil ninja is deeply hidden in darkness. Acting out in the open risks exposing that darkness to the light of day.

??? 2: The girls are well aware of that sir. They will exercise digression.

??? 3: Good I have high expectations Suzune.

Suzune: Yes sir.

*Back at Hanzō Academy*

Kiriya: Ninjutsu has always been a skill of the mind. The body is just an extension. However, if you pair a strong mind with a capable body, true skill will start to show itself. Other in other words, it's by standing with both feet on the ground and a focused mind the earth will become your strength. GOT IT!?

Asuka: Y-yeah I understand!


Katsuragi: W-wha-what happened? is it time for lunch already?

Hibari&Asuka: She's in trouble...

Kiriya: Oh yes she is. Now get out in the hall!


Haruka: We've searched the entire campus. This is the only possibility left.

Yomi: It much older and less lavish than the rest of the buildings.

Homura: And it's not in use anymore. It's probably still here for historical purposes.

??? 1: Off limits to unauthorized personnel huh? Yeah, it looks like we've found their secret hideout ladies. I can smell good ninja and it reeks.

*With Reed and Roy*

HEM Reed: Roy where were you!? 

CM Roy: I am so sorry Reed. Someone was about to get run over.

HEM Reed: Oh, I guess that will do as a good excuse.

CM Roy: Looks like we're right on time.

HEM Reed: So where should we go?

CM Roy: Well, first and foremost *Goes back to base* Try not to alarm anyone. 

HEM Reed: Got you. *Goes back to base* What's next?

Roy: Damn, they got here before us! We can't just enter through conventional means. Either we barge in or sneak in.

Reed: Sneaking in is a far better choice.

Roy: Can't disagree with you there. Lucky for you, I've got my roots. *Shows his thunder god Kunai* 

Reed: You slick, slick son of a gun.

Roy: HAHA! But it seems my stupidity paid off for once.

Reed: So where should we transfer?

Roy: Going to the girls will be way to obvious and teleporting to the front door will ruin the whole point of the plan. So I guess we're going into a random hallway! *Teleports*

Reed: What do you mean- WHOA! *Teleports*

*In the training center*

Reed: So, where the hell are we?

Roy: I dunno. It's just a random hallway.

Reed: Is that Katsu?

Roy: Ignore her for now. We need to assess the situation at hand. 

Reed: I think this is the first time you've ever acted smart.

Roy: I've been longing to use the intellect I gained. 

Reed: Looks like they trained more than your muscles. 

Roy: And as expected there it is. The Kekkai barrier. 

Reed: So, how do you want us to do things?

Roy: We wait. Let them come to us rather than let us come to them.

Reed: Oh, you aren't talking about US but you were talking about THEM.

Roy: That's right. We pick them off one by one. 

Reed: *Stands up*

Roy: What're you doin?

Reed: How about we fight them ourselves!?

Roy: Huh? what are you talking about?

Reed: If they die, it's all on us.

Roy: *Smirks* Tch. Never thought I would hear you say that again. *Activates his Cursed mark* Let this be the drums of liberation!

Reed: WOOHOO!!! Let's kick some Hebijo Butt!

--------To be continued...

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