Chapter 10

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Walking into the classroom the next day, Layla was excited. She was so very excited to show Mrs Williams that she had brought lunch. She wanted to show Mrs Williams that she was good, she could follow and understand the rules that she had been given. Though, her food may not have been as extravagant as Mrs William's she still felt very proud of herself for having some form of food for lunch. 

Layla found that she couldn't focus on any of her work all morning. Even after recess she was still bouncing about, excited to show Mrs Williams that she hadn't let her down. She couldn't wait to show her and see the smile on Mrs Williams's face. She loved it when Mrs Williams smiled at her. It made her chest tighten whilst also making her smile. 

As soon as lunch rolled around Layla sat in her seat, bag in her lap as everyone was dismissed from the room. 

While she was waiting for the teacher to come and sit next to her, to go over how the Earth rotated around the sun, Layla found her eyes focused on the back wall. 

The first time she had ever walked through the door into this classroom, it had been bare, not a single thing was hung from that wall. But now that they were going through the terms, the wall was filled with everyone's drawings. Well everyone's but hers. Every time she participated in the weekly art classes, they were making ornaments and painting objects. Layla had yet to participate and make a drawing for the wall. 

Looking over them, Layla saw all the different drawings on the wall created by her class. That was because Mrs Williams would pick her favourite ones of each of her students to sit up on the wall to show off to any guests who would come into the classroom. 

Layla tried not to let it affect her. After all, it was her fault as to why her painting wasn't up there. If she was good, if she listened to her foster parents, she wouldn't have to skip school days to heal. She would be able to attend every school day. But instead, Layla was constantly screwing up, allowing her foster parents to discipline her the best way they knew how causing her to miss her art classes. 

Layla felt an underwhelming amount of sadness at that. Did anyone else miss this much school? How were they able to be so good, while she was always naughty?

"Layla?" Mrs Williams broke Layla out of her stance. Disorientated, Layla looked around her to realsie that she was still in fact in her classroom. Mrs Williams was now seated next to her, her lunch container now sitting on the table. "Are you okay?" 

Layla nodded her head in response, still thinking about how her classmates were able to always be so good for their parents. 

"Okay, did you bring lunch today?" 

Layla's mood instantly changed. She nodded her head in excitement as she opened the zipper of her bag and pulled out her zip lock bag, with her bread inside it. 

Layla didn't catch onto Mrs Williams array of emotions. Mrs Williams seemed to have read the situation and smiled back with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, "I'm so glad that you brought food Layla, now do you want to get started on how the moon moves around the Earth and how they both move around the Sun?" 

Layla nodded her head with excitement as she unlocked the ziplock bag. Layla grabbed the piece of bread from inside the bag, thoughts about the wall of art seemed to diminish as she took in Mrs Williams smile on her food. 

She'd been good. 


Just a little fill-in chapter because the next chapter needed it, plus I completely forgot about the piece of bread she took and needed to add that into the story too aha. The next chapter will def be longer than this one. 

Thanks again for reading! 

Published: 18th May 2022

Words: 674

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